Archwilio HelpHow to use Archwilio

Commercial users of the HER should contact the Heneb HER for advice on what further information may be available over and above that seen in Archwilio. Please email

Archwilio Help has been divided into a number of sections. Please choose a topic from the menu below. Quick help is also available by clicking the blue question mark icon at the top of the side panel in the Archwilio map.

Use the map

Zoom in and out by:

  • using the – and + icons in the top right corner
  • using the rollerball of your mouse
  • using a pinch action on your touchpad or touch screen

Move the map by:

  • clicking and dragging with the left mouse key
  • tapping and dragging on a touchpad
  • moving the red area of interest box in the inset map at the top right corner

Switch any map layer on by ticking the box beside its name. Click on the name to find out more about that layer.

Change the colour palette of the layers to a range more suited to users with visual impairment by ticking the box

Search the map by postcode, national grid reference or Heneb HER Region using the magnifying glass at the bottom of the legend

Search the map

Searches in Archwilio can be text-based, map-based or a combination of both.

  1. zoom to the area of interest
  2. tick “Search only in map view”
  3. click Search
  4. to clear the search terms and start a new search click search again

The list of results will now show in the side bar and on the map

You can use the magnifying glass to search within the map layers

  1. click on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the layers menu
  2. select a layer from the drop down e.g National Grid Reference
  3. add your search term e.g. SN 09870 37051
  4. click the tick to zoom to that location or record

View a record on the map

  1. click on the HER Search result icon
  2. select the record from the pop up
  3. the record will open in a new tab
  4. scroll down to access reports in pdf format and photographs (if available)

View a record from the results list

  1. click on the record in the side bar list
  2. the record will open next to the map and the map will re-centre on the record
  3. scroll down to access the whole text
  4. use the small arrow to the right of the record to close it

To search using Area, Community or Period

  1. Select the desired term from the relevant drop down menu
  2. Click search
  3. These terms can be used in any combination e.g.
    Gwynedd Archaeological Trust
    Bronze Age
    and in combination with keywords

To search the database using keyword, postcode or reference number

  1. Enter a keyword, PRN (primary reference Number) or Postcode (or partial postcode) in the Search Term box
  2. click search
  3. clear the search term by selecting “Any” from the drop down menu
  4. searches are not case sensitive

Refining Search Terms

To search for a precise term use speech marks:
dinas dinlle will return all records with dinas and dinlle
dinas dinlle” will return only records with this exact phrase

Keyword Search Term Examples

Ambiguous term search:
matches forge or forges or any word containing forge

forge smithy foundry
matches records containing forge or smithy or foundry

Specific term search:
“dinas dinlle”
matches the phrase “dinas dinlle”

Use + to force inclusion of a keyword term:
e.g. forge smithy +roman
matches records which may contain forge or smithy but must contain Roman

Use – to force exclusion of a keyword term:
forge smithy -roman
matches records with forge or smithy and not Roman

Save your search

  1. click on the star icon to view the unique URL for your search
  2. open in a new browser tab or copy and paste to a file for future reference
  3. opening the search results URL in a new tab allows you to change language without resetting the map.

Changing Language

Use the tab at the top of the sidebar to change language. If you have already undertaken a search:

  1. click on the star icon to view the unique URL for your search
  2. use the star icon to access the search result URL open this URL in a new tab
  3. change language and wait for the search to automatically refresh

Understanding Archaeological Terms

Some of the words we use in HER records are from standard thesauri. Each term has a description (a “scope note”) and a Welsh translation.

Conditions of Use

Use of Information
Archaeological Sites


Details of Archwilio website accessibility can be found on our Accessibility page.

Leaving Feedback & Reporting Problems

Did you know?

You can save your unique search url for later using the star icon at the top of the sidebar?

Did you know?

You can access help by clicking on the info tool at the top of the sidebar?

Did you know?

You can use the locate button in the top right corner to zoom to your current location?