CPAT Regional Historic Environment Record
The following information is from the on-line database 'Archwilio'.
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Hen Domen castle, occupation site

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 165
Trust : Clwyd Powys
Community : Montgomery
Unitary authority : Powys
NGR : SO21379803
Site Type (preferred type first) : MULTIPERIOD OCCUPATION SITE
Status : scheduled monument

Summary :
Multiple site for Hen Domen motte and bailey overlying possible Saxon field system which overlies earlier building.

Description :
Multiple site for Hen Domen motte and bailey overlying possible Saxon field system which overlies earlier building. Excavation since 1960 by P Barker. See also PRN 4035.

Pollen sampling site (Caseldine, A 1990, 131).

Motte and bailey castle. the Motte being c 30m across and lying at the Western end of a bailey c 120m by 84m (Thomas D, 1998b)

Scheduled (Cadw 2002)

Sources :
Anon , 1867 , title unknown - Hen Domen castle
Barker, P & Higham, R , 1988 , Hen Domen, Montgomery. A Timber Castle on the English-Welsh Border. Excavations 1960-1988. A Summary Report ( © Barker, P & Higham, R)
Barker, P A , 1961 , Hen Domen
Barker, P A , 1962 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 2 : 17
Barker, P A , 1963 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 3 : 20
Barker, P A , 1964 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 4 : 21
Barker, P A , 1965 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 5 : 33
Barker, P A , 1966 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 6 : 22
Barker, P A , 1967 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 7 : 17
Barker, P A , 1968 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 8 : 25
Barker, P A , 1969 , Hen Domen , Chateau Gaillard : 3 : 15-27
Barker, P A , 1969 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 9 : 27
Barker, P A , 1970 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 10 : 27
Barker, P A , 1972 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 12 : 39-40
Barker, P A , 1973 , Hen Domen , Archaeology in Wales : 13 : 54
Barker, P A , 1976 , Hen Domen , West Midlands Archaeology Newsletter : 19 : 66-8
Barker, P A , 1977 , Hen Domen , West Midlands Archaeology Newsletter : 20 : 83
Barker, P A , 1977 , Hen Domen, 1969-70 , Archaeological Journal : 134 : 101-105
Barker, P A & Lawson, J , 1971 , A pre-Norman field system at Hen Domen, Montgomery , Medieval Archaeology : 15 : 58-72
Britnell, W. J., Martin, C. H. R., & Hankinson, R , 2000 , Bro Trefaldwyn Historic Landscape: historic landscape characterization ( © Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust)
Cadw , 1986 , Scheduling map - Mg 013(POW)
Cadw , 1987 , Cadw scheduling description - Mg 013(POW)
Cadw , 1993 , Cadw Field Monument Wardens Report - Mg 013(POW)
Cadw , 2002 , Cadw Field Monument Wardens Report - Mg 013(POW)
Cadw , 2013 , Scheduled Monument consent letter
Caseldine, A , 1990 , Environmental Archaeology in Wales
Cathcart King, D J & Spurgeon, C J , 1965 , The Mottes in the Vale of Montgomery
Clark, G T , 1877 , The moated mounds of the upper Severn , The Montgomeryshire Collections : 10 : 329-48
Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust , 1978 , Site visit record - PRN165
Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust , 1985 , CPAT Project Archive
Davies, John , 2006 , Rhyd Chwima - The Ford at Montgomery - Aque Vadum de Mungumeri
Higham, R., A., & Barker, P., A., 2000 , Hen Domen, Montgomery: A timber castle on the English-Welsh border
Hurst & Wilson , 1964 , title unknown - Hen Domen castle
Kenyon, John R , 2012 , Castle Studies and Montgomeryshire: an Appreciation , The Montgomeryshire Collections : 100 : 87-99
Leonard, J., Preshous, D., Roberts, M., Smyth, J., and Train, C., 2000 , The Gale of Life: Two Thousand Years in South-West Shropshire
Moore, D , 1997 , Thomas Pennant's Vision of the Landscape , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 146 : 138-177
Ordnance Survey , 1973 , OS record card SO29NW 8
Ordnance Survey , 1973 , OS record card SO29NW 8
Ordnance Survey , 1980 , OS record card SO29NW 8
Ordnance Survey , 1981 , OS record card S029NW 8
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales and Monmouthshire , 1911 , Inventory of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of the County of Montgomery ( © Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales and Monmouthshire)
Seymour, W P , 1980 , title unknown - Hen Domen castle
Spurgeon, C. J , 1966 , The castles of Montgomeryshire , The Montgomeryshire Collections : 58 : 1-59
Webster, L E & Cherry, J , 1976 , Medieval Britain and Ireland in 1975 , Medieval Archaeology : 20 : 158-201
Webster, L E & Cherry, J , 1977 , title unknown - Hen Domen castle
Webster, L E & Cherry, J , 1978 , title unknown - Hen Domen castle
Welsh Office Ancient Monuments Branch , 1974 , Schedule of Ancient Monuments in Wales
Welsh Office Ancient Monuments Branch , 1980 , Cadw scheduling description - Mg 013(POW)
Welsh Office Ancient Monuments Branch , 1980 , Scheduling map - Mg 013(POW)
Welsh Office Ancient Monuments Branch , 1981 , Schedule of Ancient Monuments in Wales
Wilson, D M & Moorhouse, S , 1971 , Medieval Britain in 1970 , Medieval Archaeology : 15 : 124-179

Events :
70538 : Hen Domen castle, excavation 1960-92 (year : 1967)
39365 : Historic Landscape Characterisation, Vale of Montgomery 1999-2000 (year : 1999-2000)

Related records
CPAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 165

Compiled date : 01-01-1980

Images :

Archaeological data, from the Historic Environment Record, supplied by The Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © CPAT, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025). It is intended to be used for private research only and is not for use as part of commercial projects. If you wish to use this information for publication in printed or multimedia form or to compile resources for commercial use, prior permission must be obtained in writing. Use of this information is subject to the terms and conditions of access to HER data published on CPAT's website. Please contact the HER if you have any further questions regarding this information. Please quote the Primary Reference Numbers (PRNs) in any correspondence.

March 31, 2025, 11:21 am - File produced for Archwilio from CPAT's Regional HER.
Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, The Offices, Coed y Dinas, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 8RP
tel (01938) 553670, email, website

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