The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Usk Castle, Bryn-Buga

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 02021g
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Usk
Unitary authority : Monmouthshire
NGR : SO3767701089
Site Type (preferred type first) : Medieval Castle
Status : Scheduled Monument , listed building I

Summary :
Phillips notes that this masonry edifice castle was built on a natural rock outcrop and mentioned by Giraldus Cambrensis in his description of the course of the Usk River. William Marshal is one of the candidates thought to have built Usk Castle before 1189, though de Clare is also thought to have been responsible for its construction pre-1174. It is noted that Cadw suggest a castle was built here following the Norman conquest due to its strategic position on a Roman road, though it is countered by the fact that fitz Osbern didn’t build mottes in general with the exception of Clifford. Phillips notes that there is no documentary evidence dating before 1185, and that no motte is known to have existed on this masonry site (Phillips 2004).

Description :
Phillips notes that this masonry edifice castle was built on a natural rock outcrop and mentioned by Giraldus Cambrensis in his description of the course of the Usk River. William Marshal is one of the candidates thought to have built Usk Castle before 1189, though de Clare is also thought to have been responsible for its construction pre-1174. It is noted that Cadw suggest a castle was built here following the Norman conquest due to its strategic position on a Roman road, though it is countered by the fact that Fitz Osbern didn't build mottes in general with the exception of Clifford. Phillips notes that there is no documentary evidence dating before 1185, and that no motte is known to have existed on this masonry site (Phillips 2004).

An evaluation was carried out as part of an application for Scheduled Monument Status in 2001, and there was no archaeological resource of significance within the evaluation area. Trial Excavation 6 was the only place to produce an archaeological resource, situated close to the boundary of the proposed marquee near the electricity cable. The bedrock shows no evidence of being levelled at any point. Most of the Finds came from the topsoil and an area of modern fill beneath the topsoil.

In trial box 6, Paved flooring with a stone drain was unearthed, with sherds of ridge tile, some iron, a bronze vessel with possible gold leaf traces and a smaller fragment of bronze with possible gold leaf, on the surface of the paving. A stone drain based on the bedrock running from the paving to the south is deemed to run outside the evaluation area and in no danger from the marquees.

Ceramics recovered were mostly fragments of medieval ridge tile. They were produced in the Usk region. A 13th-15th century date bracket is proposed because of the thickness, firing and style of the ridge tiles. However, they are not useful for dating the contexts as they still could be reused after being on a roof for hundreds of years.1 small fragment was part of a ridge tile from the Malvern kilns dated to 14th/15th centuries. Small Iron finds and the stone paving or drains is not datable. Two sherds of medieval cooking pottery most likely produced locally (although the design is similar to Bristol) likely from the 12th century. A few sherds of jugs were of the same local fabric as the roof tiles, most likely to be 13th century. (Clarke, 2001)

Sources :
Cadw , Application for Grant Aid
Cadw , Application for Scheduled Monument Consent
Cadw , Application for Scheduled Monument Consent
Clarke, S , 2001 , Usk Castle: Evaluation
Connors, O. J. , 2013 , The Effects of Anglo-Norman Lordship upon the Landscape of Post-Conquest Monmouthshire
Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust , Site Visit Record
Hughes, S , 2010 , Letter re: Usk Castle - Application for Scheduled Monument Consent
Phillips, N. , 2004 , Thesis: Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 - 1250
Sir R Colt Hoare , 1804 , Tour in Wales
Taylor A.J. , 1947 , Usk Castle and the Pipe Roll of 1185 , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 99 : 249-255
The Handley Partnership , HAAbase built heritage assessment system: Buildings at Risk database
01/MM Desc Text/Knight JK/1977/Usk Castle/Ancient Monuments and their Interpretations
02/PM List/Cadw/1995/Application for Scheduled Monument Consent
03/Desc Text/Cadw/ancient monuments and archaeological areas act/2009/copy in further information file

Events :
E004063 : Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 - 1250 (year : 2004)
E002589 : Usk Castle (year : 2001)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 94856
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 02022g
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 17686g

Compiled date : 16-02-1988

March 28, 2025, 1:15 pm - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).