The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Crick Round Barrow

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 01057g
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Caerwent
Unitary authority : Monmouthshire
NGR : ST48439026
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Round barrow
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
A large grass covered circular mound situated within a pasture field, originally surrounded by a ditch. Partial excavation demonstrated that it incorporated a stone ring formed by a single row of stone blocks, two of which bore cup-marks. The tops of two of them are visible at the surface of the mound. The primary burial, a cremation without grave-goods, was close to the centre; a secondary burial consisting of a bundle of cremated bone was found in a pit dug from the top of the mound.

Description :
A large grass covered circular mound situated within a pasture field. The barrow is composed primarily of earth, despite the stone elements described in detail below. Two kerb stones can be seen, both 13.5m from the centre of the barrow, one to the E (c1m x 0.2m) and one to the SE (0.4m x 0.1m); these may be part of the stone ring described by RCAHM (1979; see below). The N area of the mound appears to have been flattened, creating a platform c0.3m below the top of the mound. The top of the mound is uneven but predominantly level and the sides are gently sloping. There are linear depressions aligned N-S and E-W that mark the 1939 excavations (RCAHM 1979). The outer ditch is not visible; however its course may be identified by the abundance of nettles growing around the mound's perimeter, whereas the mound itself is nettle-free.

The 1939 excavations consisted of two 4ft trenches, N-S, and E-W, cut across the mound. The primary burial was situated about 7ft ESE of the centre, and contained imperfectly calcined bones in a coagulated mass surrounded by charcoal. There were no grave goods. A secondary burial, a bundle of cremated bones, was found in a pit dug through from the top of the mound. Within the mound was a stone ring, a single circle of stone blocks about 92ft in diameter, and 2ft-2ft6" average height. Two cup-marked stones formed part of the ring on the E side, the larger having 23 cup marks, the smaller 17. The ditch would have originally been 10-12ft wide with a berm 10ft-13ft wide. Finds included: flint plano-convex knives, flint flakes, a fine leaf shaped arrowhead, a thumb scraper, and a flint core. Dimensions: diameter 46.5m; Height 1.7m.

(1957) The barrow has a diameter of 41m and a height of 1.5m. It is grass covered and there is no visible ditch. The tops of three of the stones of the stone ring are visible 6m inside the outer of the barrow. The barrow is considerably mutilated - probably the result of excavation. (Source 01)

(1979) Excavation consisted of two 4ft trenches, N-S, and E-W cut across the mound, clearance of the central area and the circumference of the stone ring. The primary burial was situated about 7ft ESE of the centre, and contained imperfectly calcined bones in a coagulated mass surrounded by charcoal. There were no grave goods. A secondary burial, a bundle of cremated bones, was found in a pit dug through from the top of the mound. Within the mound was a stone ring, a single circle of stone blocks about 92ft in diameter, and 2-2ft6" average height. Two cup marked stones (09714g) formed part of the ring on the E side, the larger having 23 cup marks, the smaller 17. The ditch would have originally been 10-12ft wide and the presence of a barn 10-13ft wide, places the barrow in the bell barrow classifications. Finds at the NMW include: flint plano-convex knives, flint flakes, fine leaf shaped arrowhead, thumb scraper, and a flint core. (Source 01).

(1987) The barrow stands in a pasture field just N of theA48 road. It is a low, gently sloping circular mound, c.1.5m high and 45m in diameter. The northern half has been levelled to form a flat roughly rectangular platform c.0.3m below the top of the mound. Shallow depressions running N-S and E-W mark the excavation trenches. No kerb stones were visible. (Source 16). GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites Project 2003.

Sources :
Pannett, A. & Hadley, A. , 2015 , Oak Grove Farm, Crick, Monmouthshire: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment and Geophysical Survey
Pannett, A. & Hadley, A. , 2015 , Oak Grove Farm, Crick, Monmouthshire: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment and Geophysical Survey
Pearson, A F and Lewis, R , 2003 , Prehistoric funerary and ritual sites. Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport, Torfaen and the Vale of Glamorgan ( © GGAT)
Savory, H N , 1940 , A Middle Bronze Age barrow at Crick, Monmouthshire , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 95 : 169-91
01/MM Record Card/OS/1979/ST 49 SE 28
02/PM List/Cadw/1987/SAM List
03/PM List/Cadw/1993/AM107
04/MM AP/GGAT/Parkhouse J/11.9.85/A3.38
06/MM Record Card/OS/1961/ST 49 SE 28
12/MM Record Card/RCAHM/Savory HN/1940/Arch Camb
17/MM Desc Text/Cadw/1993/AM107
16/MM Desc Text/Cadw/Whittle E/1987/AM107
15/MM Desc Text/Cadw/1957/AM7
13/MM Record Card/RCAHM/1957
11/MM Record Card/Newport Museum/1.2.77
10/PM Desc Text/1948/Antiquarian Journal vol28 p28
09/PM Desc Text/Grimes WF/1951/Prehistory of Wales pp60,101.103,194
05/PM List/Lillie MC/1991/Bronze Age Gwent (University of Nottingham dissertation) p62
07/PM Desc Text/Savory HN/1940/Arch Camb vol95 pp169-91
14/MM Record Card/RCAHM/1979
08/PM Desc Text/Proceedings of Prehistoric Society vol5 p258
Pm desc text/Evans EM/2003/GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites Project

Events :
E000298 : Crick Round Barrow (year : 1940)
E003914 : RAF Caerwent (year : 1994)
E005275 : Caerwent training area (year : 2004)
E008303 : Land at Slough Farm, Caerwent, Monmouthshire (year : 2020)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 93476
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 09714g

Compiled date : 02-05-1988

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Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).