The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Cup-marked Stones, Crick Round Barrow

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 09714g
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Caerwent
Unitary authority : Monmouthshire
NGR : ST48439026
Site Type (preferred type first) : prehistoric cup marked stone

Summary :
Two cup-marked stones used in the construction of the Crick round barrow (PRN 01057g), the larger having 23 cup marks, the smaller 17. They formed part of the E side of the internal stone ring.

Description :
Two cup-marked stones forming part of the east side of the stone ring that was part of the structure of the Crick round barrow (PRN 01057g), discovered during excavation in 1939. They are described in the excavation report as being conglomeritic sandstone boulders, with the cup marks occurring on weathered surfaces and quite unrelated to either natural bedding planes or joints.

The larger of the two, in the south-east quadrant, was the largest stone in the whole circle. It was 5ft 8ins long, with the width varying between 2ft 2ins and 1ft 7ins. Twenty-three cup-marks had been pecked out of the surface of the stone, all on the upper part of the exterior face. They were either circular or oval in plan, with diameters ranging from one and half to three inches, and depths from one third to three-quarters of an inch, though the majority were about 2in across and half an inch deep. As the part of the stone on which they occurred was much higher than most of the stone ring, and partly above the surface of the plough soil before excavation, the excavator suggested that they may have been intended to be seen.

The smaller stone was a low-flat-topped block in the north-east quadrant, 2ft 4in longs and 1ft 9in wide. All 17 of the cup marks occurred on the upper surface. None of them was more than 2in (0.05m) across and many no more than 1in (0.025m), and the depths varied from a quarter to half an inch. This block cannot have been intended to be visible after the barrow had been completed. Savory 1940, 177-8, 185-6, 191.

Sources :
Savory, H N , 1940 , A Middle Bronze Age barrow at Crick, Monmouthshire , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 95 : 169-91

Events :
E008303 : Land at Slough Farm, Caerwent, Monmouthshire (year : 2020)

Related records
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 01057g

Compiled date : 21-11-2012

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