Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Castell Bach
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 1355 Trust : Dyfed Community : Llandysiliogogo Unitary authority : Ceredigion NGR : SN36045809 Site Type (preferred type first) : Iron Age Promontory Fort Status : Site of Special Scientific Interest
Summary : Castell Bach is a bivallate coastal promontory fort with a concentric annexe lying just 20m above the sea, naturally defended to the north and west by sea cliffs. Two sets of curving bank and ditch c. 90m long defend the easily approachable east/northeast side and enclose an area of about 0.3ha. There is no obvious entrance. A second slighter defensive bank with evidence of a stone revetment lies approximately 100m to the east, and extends from a natural scarp to the sea cliffs. The interior of Castell Bach is overlooked from the scarp. A survey by K Ray indicated that the inner enclosure originally had just one bank and ditch, and that the second was added at the same time as the outer defence. The site is under pasture. K Murphy 14 December 2005 - from Cadw and Ordnance Survey descriptions.
Description : A coastal promontory fort with inner and outer defences. The inner defences now consist of two banks, the outer bank being smaller. The outer defences are about 100m away and consist of bank and ditch with a stone revetment. Survey by K.Ray showed that the the inner enclosure originally had one bank and the second was added at the same time as the outer defence was built. Th outer defence was later rebuilt. JH 1995 based on CCH 1994.