Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
War Memorial, Bethesda
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 63231 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Bethesda Unitary authority : Gwynedd NGR : SH6242866687 Site Type (preferred type first) : MODERN WAR MEMORIAL Status : Listed Building II
Summary : A 1923 War Memorial for the dead of the First World War with additions made to commemorate the dead of the Second World War.
Description : Formal classical layout of tall pylon-type main memorial with diagonally-set pedestal each side linked to main memorial by curving dwarf walls, the whole set on a low oval platform with two steps to front. Surrounding semi-circular low rubble walls terminated by rubble pedestals with thin ashlar obelisks. Tooled grey limestone main features. Pylon is rectangular in plan, the base with three inset plaques with names to front and rear and one each end, 92 names in all. Main shaft is tall with rebated angles, the rebated end with coved plinths. Front has inset plaque and upper carved swag, sides have carved wreaths. Moulded cornice with rebated angles and high blocking course. Flanking pedestals have plinths, moulded cornices and inset panels with names to outward-facing panel and central wreath with 1939 above and 1945 below on inward-facing end. Semi-circular wall has rough rubble coping, end piers have square chamfered ashlar caps, square bases to obelisks and obelisks are diagonally-set.