Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Ynyslas Hulk 2
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 106558 Trust : Dyfed Community : Borth Unitary authority : Ceredigion NGR : SN6157794012 Site Type (preferred type first) : Post Medieval Wreck Status : Scheduled Monument
Summary : Ynyslas Hulk 2 lies with its bow to the northwest, stern to southwest. It is almost entirely submerged beneath the estuarine silts with only the top of the surviving bow post and the tops of a few of its frames visible. In 2014 a probing exercise was undertaken by Malvern Archaeological Diving Unit / Nautical Archaeological Society (MADU/NAS) to determine the extent of surviving timbers of the wreck. The extents of the timbers encountered through probing were marked out on the ground and surveyed enabling the rough shape of the vessel to be determined. It is unlikely that deck timbers survive, these would have decayed away many years ago, but the majority of the frames, hold and keel are likely to survive below ground. The vessel is thought to have been a slate carrying hulk and may have formed part of the Derwenlas fleet. It was purposefully scuppered on the bank of the Afon Leri in 1868 to mark the channel (along with Ynyslas Hulks 1 and 3) for other seafarers. It is a Scheduled Ancient Monument (CD282). J. Meek 2015