The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Penrhos Motte and Bailey Castle

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 01543g
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Llantilio Crossenny
Unitary authority : Monmouthshire
NGR : SO40941321
Site Type (preferred type first) : Medieval Motte and bailey
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
Moated tumulus 173ft in diameter at its base. N and S 'half-moon' banks also moated, and a trench or hollow way issues from its W side and winds round to the N. Little trace of bailey to N.

Description :
Moated tumulus 173ft in diameter at its base. N and S 'half-moon' banks also moated, and a trench or hollow way issues from its W side and winds round to the N. Little trace of bailey to N. A castle of Penrhos is mentioned in a patent of 1261, and a year later William de Cantalupe was pardoned for having demolished the Castle of Penrose that belonged to John de Monmouth. This castle may have been on these earthworks.

Phillips notes that key features of Penrhos Castle, overlooking the River Trothy, include an unusually designed motte (top surface area of 135.449m) with an earthen mound surrounded by a ditch and rampart with no evidence of a bailey. Phillips interprets the site as possibly holding a watch tower due to its small size, and also notes that it has little in the way of natural defences. It is thought that the mound has been re-shaped from a site of an undetermined date, and suggests that the castle was built in 1248 (Phillips 2004).

Olding notes that the 1261 Patent Roll entry is non-existent. The castle is first mentioned 26th September 1248 and it was attacked and captured by William de Cantalupe twice (1248 and 1251) is mention that it was 'caused to be thrown down' in 26th June 1253. (Olding 1998)

Norman motte situated north-west of Llantilio Crossennyand mid-way between Abergavenny and Monmouth. Low-sun photograph shows the classic earthworks of a Norman motte and bailey fortification. On this site, the bailey does not appear to have space for stabling and buildings. Motte never completed and needed to have the outer bailey added.
A further enclosure extends to the north. Possibly for construction workers' living and working rea during building work. (Sorrell 2017)

Sources :
Olding, F , 1998 , Penrhos Castle, Monmouthshire, SMR Enhancement: M.A. Landscape Archaeology
Phillips, N. , 2004 , Thesis: Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 - 1250
Sorrell. J. , 2017 , Hidden History: Archaeology from the air in South-East Wales
Wakeman, T , 1855 , Pre-Historic Remains in Monmouthshire , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 10 : 14-17
06/PM Map/Rees W/1932/South Wales & Border in C14th/SE Sheet
07/PH Desc Text/Wakeman T/1860/Antiquarian Excursions/pp56-7
08/MM Photo/GGAT/Lewis W/1979-80
05/PM Mention/Bradney JA/1911-14/History of Monmouthshire/volII p97
09/MM Desc Text/Cadw/Whittle E/1987/AM107
01/PM Record Card/OS/1972/SO 41 SW 1
03/PM Mention/Bradney JA/1907/History of Monmouthshire/volI p147
10/MM Desc Text/Cadw/1992/AM107
02/PH Desc Text/1855/Arch Camb/3rd series volI p15
04/PM Desc Text/1909/Arch Camb/6th series volIX pp138,266-7
11/Mm AP Gazeteer/2004 January/Sorrell J/Aerial Archaeological Photographs of Gwent/SMR

Events :
E004063 : Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 - 1250 (year : 2004)
E002191 : Penrhos Castle, M.A. Landscape Archaeology, DBA (year : 1998)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 306505

Compiled date : 02-10-1988

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Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).