The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Monmouth Castle

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 01234g
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Monmouth
Unitary authority : Monmouthshire
NGR : SO5067512872
Site Type (preferred type first) : Medieval Castle
Status : Site Cared for by the State

Summary :
The description of this site remains the same as when visited in 1987 with the addition that the Regimental Museum is now housed within the buildings and there is a Medieval garden behind it.

Description :
1994 AM107:
The description of this site remains the same as when visited in 1987 with the addition that the Regimental Museum is now housed within the buildings and there is a Medieval garden behind it.

Phillips notes that Monmouth Castle, not open to the public, was greatly altered in 1913 in a conservation and repair programme with little of the old castle surviving. The castle is strategically located on a natural rock outcrop above the Monnow River, and would have had views over the eastern border of Norman occupation at the beginning of the conquest and of old Roman routes. Phillips interprets the site as an early masonry castle with no sign of the existence of a motte (Phillips 2004).

An evaluation comprising the excavation of six trial trenches within the grounds of The Beaufort Court, Monmouth, revealed the remains of a rampart, thought to be part of a bailey associated with the creation of Monmouth Castle in the 11th century by William Fitzosbern (Monmouth Archaeology 2002).

Sources :
Bowen, F , 2009 , Rockfield Road, Monmouth: Desk-based assessment ( © GGAT)
Connors, O. J. , 2013 , The Effects of Anglo-Norman Lordship upon the Landscape of Post-Conquest Monmouthshire
Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust , Site Visit Record
Monmouth Archaeology , 2002 , The Beaufort Court, Monmouth: An Archaeological Evaluation
Phillips, N. , 2004 , Thesis: Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 - 1250
Rees W. , 1925 , A Bibliography of Published Works at the Municipal History of Wales and the Border, with Special Reference to the Published Records. , The Buletin of the Board of Celtic Studies : II pt.IV : 321-382
Roderick A.J. & Rees W. , 1957 , The accounts of the ministers for the Lordships of Abergavenny, Grosmont, Skenfrith and White Castle for the year A.D. 1256-1257. Publ.Rec.Off. ministers' accounts Bundle 1094 No 11. Part III - The Lordship of Monmouth. , South Wales and Monmouth Record Society : 4 : 6-29
The Handley Partnership , HAAbase built heritage assessment system: Buildings at Risk database
Wesyr-Evans J.H. , 1889 , Ladies day excursion to Skenfirth and Whitecastle , Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalist Society : XXI : 32-37
01/PM List/Cadw/1994/AM 107

Events :
E004063 : Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 - 1250 (year : 2004)
E004356 : Little Castle House, Monmouth Castle (year : 1998)
E004745 : Beaufort Court, Monmouth (year : 2002)
E008435 : North of Existing Wye Bridge, Monmouth (year : 2021)

Related records

Compiled date : 02-08-1988

March 28, 2025, 1:29 pm - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).