The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Ty'n Cellar Standing Stone

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00789w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Margam
Unitary authority : Neath Port Talbot
NGR : SS8024383743
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Standing stone
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
A standing stone block of fine-grained sandstone or mudstone, with a laminated and rippley formation; bedding planes can be seen in the short sides. Roughly rectangular in plan, but with a prow of the SE - widest at c0.5m above ground level. GGAT 72

Description :
A block of fine-grained sandstone or mudstone, with a laminated and rippley formation; bedding planes can be seen in the short sides. Roughly rectangular in plan, but with a prow of the SE - widest at c0.5m above ground level, as the prow is most marked at this point. The long sides face NE and SW and the top slopes from 2.5m at the SE to 2.1m at the NW. In a small unploughed island in a an arable field; the stones around the base are probably due to field clearance. 1.6m NW-SE x max 0.9m, max height 2.5m. GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites survey 2001.

(1956) The stone stands upright in a pasture field. It is very weathered and is roughly rectangular in section. The measurements are correctly given by Gray. There is no mound and there are no other stones in the vicinity. (Source 02)

(1961/1976) At Ty -du, N of Kenfig, on level ground at about 15m above O.D. It is an undressed boulder, of approximately rectangular section, measuring 1.4m long by 0.9m at the base, increasing to 1.6m at a height of 0.7m . The top slopes from 2.5m high at the SE to 2.1m at the NW. (Source 01)

(1976) As RCAHM (Source 03)

(1986) Large menhir in good condition, standing in cultivated field. The stone appears to be in good condition but little chance of any associated features surviving due to ploughing. (Source 09)

(1991) The stone is in good condition as previously described. The surrounding field is regularly ploughed. (Source 11)

(1997) The stone appears much as before and is undamaged, although there are a couple of loose stones on the surface near its base. Field still being ploughed. Trees growing on the slope of the embankment are making it difficult to see from the M4 (Source 12)

Sources :
01/ PM list / RCAHM// 1976/ Glam Invent/ p 123 No. 555
02/ MM Record card/ OS/// 1957/ SS 88 SW 15/
03/ MM Record card/ OS/// 1976/ SS 88 SW 15/
04/ PM Desc text// Gray/ T/ 1909/ The buried city of Kenfig/ p 193
05/ MM Photo/ GGAT/ Lewis/ W/ 1979 - 1980//
06/ MM Note// UCC Arch Soc.// 1975/ M4 survey/
07/ PM Mention// Houlder/ C/ 1974/ Wales an Archaeological Guide/ p 148
08/ MMAP/ GGAT/ Parkhouse J./ 10.8.87// A 54 4, 6
09/ MM Desc text/ CADW/ Burnham/ HB/ 1986/ AM 107
10/ MMAP/ RCAHM// 1992// 925312 - 36
11/ MM Desc text/ CADW/ 1991/ AM 107/
12/ MM Desc text/ CADW/ Burnham/ HB/ 1997/ AM 107
13/Desc Text/Cadw/ Full Management Report/2005/ Copy in further information file

Events :
E003937 : M4 Construction, Walk Over Survey, Stormy Down to Groes (year : 1973)
E002260 : Margam New Village (year : 1995)
E007045 : Swansea North Sub-Station, New Overhead Line (VE), Swansea (year : 2010-12)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 93099

Compiled date :

Images :

March 29, 2025, 10:54 am - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).