The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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St Mary's Abbey, Margam (Margam Abbey)

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00771w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Margam
Unitary authority : Neath Port Talbot
NGR : SS80188626
Site Type (preferred type first) : Medieval Abbey / Medieval Monastery
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
Conventual priory. A Cistercian Monastery founded by Robert of Gloucester in 1167 and dissolved in 1536. Present day parish church roughly occupies area of nave of original church, mostly ruinous. Restored twelve sided chapter house c 1200.

Description :
This is a general number for Margam Abbey. Conventual priory. A Cistercian Monastery founded by Robert of Gloucester in 1167 and dissolved in 1536. Present day parish church roughly occupies area of nave of original church, mostly ruinous. Restored twelve sided chapter house c 1200.

Evans 2003: GGAT 73 Early-Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites Project database

The extent of the monastic precinct at Margam Abbey is no longer clear - alterations made for post-medieval house and for the 18th/19th Century Park have largely obscured S and W sides of the monastic complex. Apart from topographical indications nothing remains of the precinct boundary, though there is a reference in 1532 to a 'great gate', SE of the church, a medieval gatehouse (probably the inner gate) survived as part of the post-suppression house, built from 1552, but was destroyed in 1744 (Robinson 2006, 257).
The surviving standing remains at Margam include the Nave of the Abbey church (c.1150-80), utilized as a parish church, St Mary's. Partial footings remain of the choir, presbytery and S transept (all 1220-1250), the ruinous remains of the chapter house, its vestibule and adjacent sacristy and the remains of the possible bridge to the monastic latrine block (all 1203-1230). The cloister lies between in the angle of the Nave and the S transept, whilst the Monks day room (dormitory undercroft extended S of the chapter house vestibule as part of the same range. A summary of early archaeological investigation has been summarized elsewhere (see Robinson 1993a; Robinson 2006), the most recent include minor excavations (1974-5) undertaken on the N side of the orangery, which revealed monastic period walls and drains, remains associated with the S claustral ranges (Jones 1981, 59-69), whilst GGAT carried out a trial excavation of the Orangery car park (1979), and found monastic buildings at some distance from the Abbey, GGAT also undertook an evaluation of the Presbytary and east range in 2001. An area of around 0.7ha is currently scheduled (GM5); Robinson indicates this is currently insufficient (Robinson 2006). St Marys Church is Listed Grade A (ref. 14148); the ruins of the chapter house are Grade I, as are the east range ruins, whilst the 18th century Orangery is Listed Grade I (ref. 14152). The Park and garden at Margam, encompassing the Abbey and its precinct, are included on the register of parks and gardens of historic interest in Wales (Grade I).

The general area of the precinct remains unclear from current levels of information, though it is likely to have been extensive, for this reason a core area, including the likely area of the W and S claustral ranges to the W of the SAM area has been defined, while outer areas to the W and E have been defined to cover the grounds in the immediate vicinity of the now demolished post-suppression house (as shown in a sketch of 1684 and in two late 17th early 18th century paintings) to encompass main spread of known archaeological features it is likely the full outer precinct was much larger, possibly equating to the area depicted on Emanuel Bowens map of 1729, with the park to E of the house and the Grove to the W (i.e. the SW corner of the later post-medieval park), although this is unconfirmed (Cadw, ICOMOS UK 2000, 102-113) (Bowden and Roberts 2012).

In April 2001 GGAT conduct an archaeological evaluation at Margarm Abbey. It was found that the undisturbed deposits lay very close to the modern ground surface. With such little depth of cover, the archaeological deposits are potentially vulnerable to a wide range of below-ground impacts, and any removal of the turf would merit an archaeological watching brief. There is however evidence from the surrounding masonry to suggest that the original floor height of the presbytery, notably the threshold of the door on the south wall (39.53m) and the grave slabs (39.49-39.60m). A yard surface thought to be 18th century in date over part of the structure which as been comprehensively robbed in this area too. At the Eastern range (south end) and cloister, a culvert identified was probably at too high a level to have been of monastic origin, and the style of construction and type of mortar would be consistent with an early post-medieval date and the use of the vestible as a brewhouse for the Mansell manor house may suggest a function. Culverts of this type have been found in numerous locations forming a complex system of drainage (Locock 2001).

Mason’s marks are abundant on the site and occur on both carved and ashlar stone, those of 17 masons have been identified in the present church. Marks appear on the dressed stonework of the former monastic nave, original work of the west front and ruins of the former Cistercian Abbey. A second group of marks are in the Abbey ruins, and a single mason’s mark predominates in the Chapter House, which is one of the earliest examples of a polygonal Chapter House. This mark also occurs in the presbytery, south transept, east range vaulting and scattered carved blocks. (Adams J, 1981)

Sources :
Adams J , Transactions of the Port Talbot Historical Society No2 Vol3 pp87-91: Masons and Their Marks at Margam Abbey
Bowden, R. and Roberts, R. , 2012 , Monastic Sites in Glamorgan and Gwent
Cadw , 2000 , Register of landscapes, parks and gardens of special historic interest in Wales (Glamorgan)
Evans, E M , 2003 , Early Medieval Ecclesiastical sites in Southeast Wales: Desk based assessment
Locock, M , 2001 , Margam Abbey (Sam Gm5), Neath Port Talbot: Archaeological Evaluation ( © GGAT)
Marvell A G , 1993 , Port Talbot - Margam Duplicate Watermain Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment ( © GGAT)
Owen Edward , 1896 , The Bells of the Dissolved Welsh Monasteries , Archeologia Cambrensis : 51 : 262-265
Owen Edward , 1897 , The Spoils of the Welsh Religious Houses , Archeologia Cambrensis : 52 : 285-292
Pamment, S. , 2013 , Monastic Margam Community Survey Project
Prichard John , 1881 , Margam Abbey , Transactions of Cardiff Naturalist Society : XIII : 50-53
Robinson, D. M. , 2006 , The Cistercians in Wales: Architecture and Archaeology 1130-1540
Seward E. , 1906 , Some Churches and Castles in Glamorgan , Transactions of Cardiff Naturalist Society : XXXIX : 78-95
Sheen A.W. , 1927 , History of the Cardiff Naturalist Society , Transactions of Cardiff Naturalist Society : LX : 110-130
Smith E.G. , 1931/32 , Margam Abbey, Newton Nottage Church and Porthcawl
Smith E.G. , 1932/33 , The abbey of Neath versus the abbey of Margam
Williams S.W. , 1893 , Additional Notes upon some Monumental Effigies in Wales , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 48 : 271-274
01/PM Desc Text/Butler LAS/1971/Glamorgan CH/pp379-415
02/AP Unknown source
Evans EM, 2003-04, GGAT 73 Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites Project

Events :
E000463 : Margam; St Mary's Abbey (year : 1978)
E002128 : Margam Abbey (year : 2011)
E003916 : Port Talbot - Margam Duplicate Watermain (year : 1993)
E002119 : Assessment of Monastic Sites in Glamorgan and Gwent (year : 2012)
E002596 : Margam Abbey (SAM Gm5), Neath Port Talbot EVAL (year : 2001)
E007771 : Newland Farm, Margam, Neath Port Talbot (year : 2013)
E007984 : Ysgol Newydd (Margam), Port Talbot, Wales (year : 2016)
E006544 : Margam Country Park, Margam, Neath Port Talbot (year : 2020)
E006544 : Margam Country Park, Margam, Neath Port Talbot (year : 2020)

Related records

Compiled date : 12-03-2004

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