The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Bachgen Garreg

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00720w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Glyncorrwg
Unitary authority : Neath Port Talbot
NGR : SS9081098111
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Cairn
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
Described by RCAHMW in 1964 as 'a stony area, 12.2 long from N to S by 7.6m wide, probably a denuded cairn base'. Now an area of slabby blocks of sandstone (<0.4m) with possible edge showing on the N and E but not on the other sides. GGAT 72

Description :
Described by RCAHMW in 1964 as 'a stony area, 12.2 long from N to S by 7.6m wide, probably a denuded cairn base'. Now an area of slabby blocks of sandstone (<0.4m) with possible edge showing on the N and E but not on the other sides. In clear area to E of trackway running down UA boundary, and W of fence. 3.5m diameter; max 0.2m high GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites survey 2001. (1803) Standing stone shown (Source 07/06)
(1955) Round cairn, diameter 36' x 1' high. Remains of smaller cairn, diameter 20', adjoining it to the N. Much disturbed. (Source 04)
(1956) A flat slab of rock outcrop on the summit of a hill. It is irregularly shaped with average measurements of 1.4m, 1.8m and 0.5m thick. It bears no artificial markings and appears to be entirely a natural feature. (Source 01)
(1964) On the summit of a small knoll in open moorland, with wide views in all directions. A stony area, 12.2 long from N to S by 7.6m wide, probably a denuded cairn base. It is raised only slightly above ground level but on the SW a fall of ground gives it an apparent height of 0.9m. There are signs of modern disturbance. (Source 02)
(1982) Turf-covered remains of a rouind cairn, 8.0m in diameter, maximum height 0.5m on the SE; average height elsewhere, less than 0.2m. Stone has been thrown off the cairn to the NW, giving the elongated impression described by the RCAHM. A parish boundary, marked by a factory post-and-wire fence, crossses SW of centre in a NW to SE direction. The cairn is constructed of small pieces of flagstone, and stands upon a natural eminence. (Source 06)
(1985) The cairn is situated on a small hillock on the crest of the ridge, in an area of rough grass between two forestry plantations. The actual remains of the cairn are very difficult to distinguish as the area has been disturbed by ploughing and by the making of a track, running N-S through it. Consequently the only definite signs of a cairn are a pile of stones just W of the fence which runs alongside the track, and stones in the section at the W side of the track where it has presumably cut into the cairn. There is no sign of an adjoining cairn which was noted in 1955. (Source 04)
(1993) This site survives as a large, oval grass-covered mound, capped by a small stone cairn. (Source 03)
(1999) This site survives as a large, oval grass-covered mound, capped by a small stone cairn, of which very little now remains. (Source 05)

Sources :
Locock, M. , 1993 , Archaeological Desk-Top Study. Proposed Wind Farm Blaenrhonnda, Mid Glamorgan. ( © GGAT)
01/MM MM Record Card/OS/1956/SS 99 NW 2
02/PM List/RCAHMW/1976/Glam Invent vol1 pt1/p93 no 346
04/MM Desc Text/1993/Locock/M/Archaeological Desk-top study: Proposed wind-farm, Blaenrhondda, Mid Glamorgan (GGAT A93-034), 23
03/MM Desc Text/CADW/Whittle E/1985/AM 170/;
05/1999/Forest Enterprise Welsh Heritage Assets Project Phase III
06/MM MM Record Card/OS/1977/SS 99 NW 2
07/Map/1803/1st edn OS 1"
Forest Enterprise Welsh Heritage Assets Project Phase III

Events :
E003876 : Proposed Wind-Farm Blaenrhonnda (year : 1993)
E007588 : Afan Valley Adventure Resort, Neath Port Talbot (year : 2017)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 94618

Compiled date :

March 29, 2025, 10:20 am - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).