The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Cairn, Gelli-bwch Farm 2

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00641w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Coedffranc
Unitary authority : Neath Port Talbot
NGR : SS7203994766
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Cairn
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
One of a pair (PRN 5066w) of cairn (with 640w). This cairn, which is in a reasonably good state of preservation, consists of a well-marked mound of stones (sandstone blocks and slabs, ranging from <0.4m to c0.6m). The centre has been dug out. GGAT 72

Description :
One of a pair (PRN 5066w) of cairn (with 640w). This cairn, which is in a reasonably good state of preservation, consists of a well-marked mound of stones (sandstone blocks and slabs, ranging from <0.4m to c0.6m, some rounded). The centre has been dug out, leaving a couple of marked holes, but no structure is apparent. 17.8m diameter GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites survey 2001.

(1956) The cairn is situated on a hillock . It is partly grass covered and has a diameter of 20.0m with a height of 1.8m . The top has been scooped out. Ther is no detectable trace of a retaining circle.( Source 02 )
(1964/1976) At 80 m above O.D. At 40 m N.N.E. of No. 246 on a local summit with wide views in all directions. A circular stony mound, heather grown, 18.3 m in diameter and 1.5 m high. A central hollow, full of stones, is the result of digging. ( Source 01 )
(1971) SS 7204 9477 cairn ( Source 03 )
(1982) No change, published survey correct. ( Source 04 )
(1985) The cairn is still much as described with heather and grass cover. 40m to the SSW lies another , smaller cairn ( RCAHMW No. 246 ) in poor repair, which is not scheduled. ( source 06 )
(1991) The remains of both the scheduled cairn and the unscheduled cairn 40m to the SSW are still as previously described. They lie in rough grassland and there is heather on the main cairn. Although turf covered , its construction would appear to be mainly of stone, and it may take advantage of a natural outcrop - rock appears to be very close to the surface here. The smaller and more damaged cairn lies beside a field wall, which may be partly responsible for the removal of stone; there are signs of an interior straight facing on the northern part of the cairn ( away from the wall ) , suggesting re-use as a shelter. The remains of a collapsed fence lie around the base of the main cairn and stretch towards the second cairn ... no obvious signs of holes dug in conjunction with the fence... ( Source 08 )
(1997) Both cairns remain much as before. All trace of the old fence has now gone. There is an incipient gorse bush on the south of the main, scheduled cairn.( Source 09 )

Sources :
01/ PM list/ RCAHM/// 1976/ Glam Invent/ p 81 No. 246
09/ MM Desc text/ CADW/ Burnham/ HB/ 1997//
02/ MM Record card/ OS/// 1957/ SS 79 SW 3/
03/ MM Record card/ OS/// 1978/ SS 79 SW 3/
04/ MM Record card/ OS/// 1982/ SS 79 SW 3/
05/ MM Survey// Kahn/ M/ Aug 1981/ Green Wedge Survey
06/ MM Desc text/ CADW/ Burnham/ HB/ 1985//
07/ MMAP/ GGAT/ Parkhouse J./ 10.8.87/ A56 20, 22, 23
08/ MM Desc text/ CADW/ 1991/ AM 107

Events :
E007733 : Carn Nicholas Farm, Bon-y-maen, Swansea (year : 2019)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 94652
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 640w
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 1537w
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 5066w

Compiled date :

March 29, 2025, 10:38 am - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).