The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Llanquian Castle, Cowbridge with Llanblethian

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00329s
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Cowbridge With Llanblethian
Unitary authority : Vale of Glamorgan
NGR : ST01897442
Site Type (preferred type first) : Medieval Castle
Status : UA Local List (Adopted)

Summary :
The earth and stone mound measures 30.0m in diameter at the base, and is up to 2.0m in height. The slightly dished summit is 20.0m in diameter.

Description :
The earth and stone mound measures 30.0m in diameter at the base, and is up to 2.0m in height. The slightly dished summit is 20.0m in diameter.

Llanquian Castle is situated on the western side of a valley which provided a natural defence. the remains consist of a circular stony and grass covered mound which averaged 20.0m in diameter and 2.0m high. The top is flat excepting a small mound of castle and stone on the N perimeter of the site, which may represent tumbled walling. there is a fragment of ditch 10.0m long and 0.5m deep on the ne of the site; there are no traces of any continuation around the earthwork, whose circular plan suggests that the original structure was in the nature of a round tower. There are no outer defensive works. The only masonry visible is a building of apparently much later date which has been constructed and cut back into the west side of the castle, which which must be the gatehouse referred to by Clark (see source 02). (Quinnell 1956; OS Record Card)

Llanguian Castle is situated upon a spur, overlooking valleys to the north, east and south east. The earth and stone mound measures 30.0m in diameter at the base, and is up to 2.0m in height. The slightly dished summit is 20.0m in diameter. There are remains of a stone bank around the perimeter on the west and south. An outer ditch is best preserved on the north-east, where it is 6.0m in width, and 1.0m in depth. It reduces to a 3.0m wide berm on the south-east, and there are further traces of the ditch on the south west and west. Cut into the north-west side of the mound is a stone building, 7.5m square, of which the south and east walls stand to 0.6m height. There is a doorway, 1.0m wide in the south side, against the south-east corner. The building, probably a farm building of later date, has an extension to the west over a filled-in stretch of the moat. Represented by stone footings, it is 8.0m long, and is open to the south. On the east-north-east side of the summit of the mound is a heap of stone and earth, measuring 8.0m by 5.0m, and 1.0m in height. It is possibly fallen masonry, but is more likely a spoil heap, perhaps clearance of the stone bank from the north and east sides of the summit. 50.0m to the south-west are foundation remains of two stone huts at right angles to one another, where 13th century sherds have been found. They are as described on ST 07 SW 6. Complex surveyed at 1:2500 on MSD. (ASP 1982; OS Record Card)

Sources :
, OS Record Card
O'Neil BH STJ. , 1954 , The Castles of Wales (A Hundred Years of Welsh Archeology). , Archeologia Cambrensis : 103 : 129-140
Spurgeon C.J. & Thomas H.S. , 1978 , Medieval Glamorgan: An interim report on recent fieldwork , Morgannwg : 22 : 14-41
02/PM Desc Text//Clark GT/1884/Medieval Mil Architect/Vol2 p201;
01/MM Record Card/OS//1970/ST 07 SW 5/;
03/PM Map//Rees W/1932/S Wales & Border in C14/;
08/PM Desc Text//Spurgeon & Thomas/1980/Archaeol in Wales/No66;
05/pm desc text/RCAHM//1991/Invent III 1b/MR3
09/MM Record Card/OS//1982/ST 07 SW 5/;
07/PH Desc Text//Clark GT/1872/Archaeol Cambrensis/Vol3 No10 p144-6;
10/PM Mention//Hogg & King/1967/Archaeol Cambrensis/Vol116 p88-111
06/PM Desc Text//O'Neil BH/Cambrian Archaeol Ass/Centenary Vol p129;
04/PM Desc Text//Hopkin-James L/1922/Old Cowbridge/p76;

Events :
E002050 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1956)
E002051 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1970)
E002052 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1982)
E002053 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1953)
E002054 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1986)
E002055 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1989)
E002056 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 1995)
E002057 : Field visit Llanquian Castle (year : 2003)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 94614

Compiled date : 10-12-1977

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