The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Ogmore Stepping Stones, Ogmore Castle

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00273m
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : St Bride's Major
Unitary authority : Vale of Glamorgan
NGR : SS8814176988
Site Type (preferred type first) : Unknown Stepping stones
Status : UA Local List (Adopted)

Summary :
Stepping Stones at Ogmore Castle, identified and shown on the 1st - 4th ed. OS maps located at the 'Highest Point to which Ordinary Tides flow' on the Ewenny River. The stones, 33 in number, are rectangular and cubic blocks with sides up to 1m in length. The normal river level does not exceed 0.5m in depth.

Description :
Stepping Stones at Ogmore Castle, identified and shown on the 1st to 4th ed. OS maps of 1877, 1899, 1919 and 1941, located at the 'Highest Point to which Ordinary Tides flow' on the Ewenny River. (1st ed. 1:2500 OS map; 2nd ed. 1:2500 OS map; 3rd ed. 1:2500 OS map; 4th ed. 1:2500 OS map).

The stones, 33 in number, are rectangular and cubic blocks with sides up to 1m in length. With a normal flow the river does not exceed 0.5m in depth. The monument comprises 41 stepping stones, which provide pedestrian access across the plain of the River Ewenny. The stepping stones link Ogmore castle on the S bank to the flood plain between the rivers Ewenny and Ogmore to the N. The alignment has been deliberately located where the river is shallower and slower flowing. The N-S alignment of stones measures c.35m in length and is complete. The structure is medieval in date with later revisions. The monument is well preserved and a rare survival. (Dunning and Howell 2005).

Included on Vale of Glamorgan Council's List of County Treasures (Vale of Glamorgan Council).

Sources :
, Archwilio App Submission
Cadw , Cadw Scheduled Monument Record
Dunning, R and Howell, J , 2005 , Waterfronts in southeast Wales: Phase 2, Volume 2, gazetteer ( © GGAT)
Ordnance Survey , 1st Edition OS map
Ordnance Survey , 1st Edition OS map 6"
Ordnance Survey , 2nd Edition OS map 1:2500
Ordnance Survey , 3rd Edition OS map 1:2500
Ordnance Survey , 4th Edition OS map 1:2500
Riley William , 1892/93 , Second Field Walk (Bridgend) , Transactions of Cardiff Naturalist Society : XXV pt.2 : 52-62
Williams, R , 2013 , Digital photograph (1); Ogmore Stepping Stones
01/MM Record Card/OS//1956/SS 87 NE 49/;
02/PM Desc Text//Turbervill E.P/1946/In Land of my Fathers/p.34;
03/MM Air Photo/West Air//1979/BM 1597/GGAT 261m;
05/MM Record Card/OS//1982/SS 87 NE 49/;
06/MM Desc Text/Cadw/Whittle E/1985//
04/PM Desc Text//RCHM//1983/Glam Invent Vol.3 Pt.2 p.353;
06/MM Desc Text/Ancient monuments and archaeological areas/CADW/Coward M/2008//

Events :
E001308 : Ogmore stepping stones (year : 2005)
E001377 : Waterfronts in Southeast Wales:phase 2 (year : 2005)
E006100 : GGAT150: Rapid Coastline Zone Assessment (year : 2016-17)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 32814

Compiled date : 20-06-2018

Images :

March 28, 2025, 8:58 pm - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).