The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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The Knave Promontory Fort

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00142w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Rhossili
Unitary authority : Swansea
NGR : SS43188637
Site Type (preferred type first) : Iron Age Promontory fort
Status : AONB , NNR , PSAC , SSSI

Summary :
A fort located on the Knave promontory, lying off N.T. property. The site is defended by 2 lines of defences, running in almost concentric arcs, with sheer cliffs to the south and broken cliffs to the SW and SE.

Description :
A fort located on the Knave promontory, lying off N.T. property. The site is defended by 2 lines of defences, running in almost concentric arcs, with sheer cliffs to the south and broken cliffs to the SW and SE. The outer bank is 3-5m wide, 0.6-l.5m high running for approximately 30m. A ditch lies externally, 3-4m wide and 0.8m deep. A few loose unworked stones are visible on all sides of the bank. The entrance through the defences lies to the west. Around 18-19m further in is the 2nd line of defence. Around two-thirds of the bank is well defined, consisting of a partly overgrown limestone rubble bank 5.5-7.5m wide and up to lm high internally, 2m externally. The external ditch is 1.5-2.5m wide and up to lm deep. The defences appear to fade out to the SW as it nears the cliff edge, presumably the site of the entrance. The inner defences enclose an area of only c0.lha.
The site was excavated in 1938 by A.Williams who made cuttings through the defences and cleared the entrances. The site was also later surveyed by RCAHIMW. The excavation showed the outer rampart to be 3-4m wide, built of soil and stone and revetted with boulders. The ditch was U-shaped and rock cut, c4.3m wide and 1.2-1.5m deep. At the entrance the banks were squared off, a bulge in the northern terminal proved to be the remains of a post medieval limekiln with a diameter of approximately 3m. The entrance was 3m wide and 3 postholes showed it was originally closed by a wooden gate. The eastern section of the inner rampart was nearly 5m wide built in a similar way. The ditch was c4.3m wide, and c1m deep, with a slight counterscarp bank of stones cl.5m wide and only c0.6m high. The entrance was formed by an inturned rampart on one side and on the other by a rock step, beyond which was a bank but no ditch. On the internal side of this intum at the entrance was an occupation layer, presumably a guard chamber, from which iron age pottery was recovered. A natural hollow near the cliff edge had a hearth and a central post suggesting a round hut 3.7m in diameter. The absence of postholes suggests natural hollows were used in the construction of the huts. A Cadw inspector in 1989 identified a 3rd possible habitation site just inside the inner bank at the SE end. The pottery finds from the site are described of early Iron Age B of the Glastonbury type (50BC-50AD), now in RISW. Other finds included slingstones, animal bones, potboilers, burnt daub and shells. Two hammer stones and part of a mace were also recovered from between the 2 lines of defence.
A ruined wall running East-west across the site was found to be a fairly recent wall probably forming a sheepfold within the fort remains. Despite being outside Trust property, it was recommended that the site be included in literature on the Iron Age history of the area (01; Poucher 2003-4)

A blunt headland 2.5km of Rhossili, with a 60m sheer cliff to the S and more broken cliffs to the SE and SW. While the inner defended area is only about 0.1ha, and 45m by 30m, the outer defence measures 130m long.
The defences are two concentric arcs, the outer, of grass- and gorse-grown bank measures 3-5m wide , 0.6m internally and 1m externally. Outside the bank is a 3-4m wide ditch. A 4.5m wide entrance occupies part of the W end and on the E side the bank terminates in a high mound with a hollow centre, which may be a guard chamber, but may be a later lime kiln. The inner defence, separated from the outer by 14-20m, is earth and stone bank 5.5-7.5m wide, 1m high internally and 2m high externally. Outside the bank is a 1.5-2.5m wide ditch, 1m deep. No hut platform are visible, but a later sheepfold and a modern wall cross part of the fort.
The site was excavated in 1938, when the inner rampart was shown to be revetted internally and an entrance was approached obliquely and was protected by a scarp, with a bank and ditch which inturned slightly, but no post holes were found. An occupation layer within the fort was dated by pottery to 50BC - AD50. Reference Williams 1939 (Wiggins and Evans 2005)

Sources :
Dillon E and Latham J , 1986 , The South West Gower Properties - Part One
Poucher, P. , 2003-4 , Archaeological Survey: The South Gower Coastal Properties: Mewslade - Port Eynon, Pilton Green, Pitton Cross and Oxwich
Savory H.N. & Nash-Williams V.E. , 1949 , List of Hill-Forts and other Earthworks , The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies : XIII pt.3 : 157-
ST. Joseph J.K.S. , 1961 , Aerial Reconnaissance in Wales , Antiquity : 35 : 263-275
Wiggins, H and Evans, E , 2005 , Prehistoric defended enclosures in Glamorgan with recommendations for fieldwork
Williams A. , 1938 , The Knave Promontory Fort, Rhossili, Gower , The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies : IX pt.III : 286-287
Williams A. , 1939 , Excavations at the knave Promontory Fort, Rhossili, Glamorgan , Archaeologia Cambrensis : 94 : 210-219
01. P Poucher (2003-04) The National Trust Archaeological Survey: The South Gower Coastal Properties, Mewslade - Port Eynon, Pilton Green, Pilton Cross and Oxwich
Williams/Desc Text/1939, Archaeol Cambrensis, 94, 210-9

Events :
E001455 : Prehistoric defended enclosures in Glamorgan (year : 2005)
E003894 : South West Gower National Trust Properties (year : 1986)
E006105 : Paviland and the Knave promontory forts, Gower, Swansea (year : 2014)
E004913 : The National Trust Archaeological Survey: South Gower Coastal Properties (year : 2003-4)

Related records
National Monuments Record NPRN 301326
National Trust Site 88961

Compiled date : 27-05-2004

March 18, 2025, 11:33 pm - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).