The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Burials, Llandaff Cathedral

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00128s
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Llandaff
Unitary authority : Cardiff
NGR : ST15537813
Site Type (preferred type first) : Medieval Cemetery

Summary :
A number of burials found when the NW tower of Llandaff cathedral was underpinned in 1889.

Description :
A number of burials found when the NW tower of Llandaff cathedral was underpinned in 1889. An E-W coffin 'of the usual 13th century form' had been inserted into old beds of charcoal and old burnt clay 'which proved to be an early British grave'; 5 other similar coffins were found. Also under NW tower was 'bed of vegetable matter containing rough pieces corroded metal, burnt black', overlying hard burnt clay which sealed a trench 5ft x 11in x 11in, bottom of which covered with layer of charcoal. On N side under 2nd bay of nave arcade was circular pit (3ft diam) lined with pebbled set in clay with calcined bone in middle.

Elsewhere trench 5ft x 2ft covered with calcined bone above which white linen, and charcoal, above which pebbles and same burnt vegetable matter and metal as above. No reason to suppose any of inhumations other than medieval. Other features more problematical but Roman cremation cemetery does not seems particularly likely as none of typical form and do not appear to have been associated with Roman pottery etc. There is no record of the type or colour of the pebbles. Evans 2003: GGAT 73 Early-Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites Project database.

ST156779 External area at west front of Llandaff Cathedral. Extensive archaeological remains in the area. Remains of a 18th or 19th century wall in the corner of the site. A small gully and a larger linear feature recorded at the bottom of the main steps into the cathedral in front of the west door. Burial monuments outside the west door appear from pictorial and cartographic evidence to have been re-positioned in the past. (Page 2000)

Sources :
Page N , 2000 , Llandaff Cathedral , Archaeology in Wales : 40 : 102
Evans EM, 2003-04, GGAT 73 Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites Project
02/PM Desc Text//Williamson EW//Llandaff Cathedral/5thed p14;
01/MM Record Card/OS//1958/ST 17 NE 29/;
03/PH Desc Text//James JH/1898/Llandaff Cathedral/pp59-60;
04/PH Desc Text///1889/Archaeol Review/Vol3 p141;
05/PH Desc Text//Griffiths R/1889/Archaeol Cambrensis/Vol6 pp264-266

Events :

Related records

Compiled date : 12-03-2004

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