The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Round Barrow, Llanmadoc Hill 01

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00006w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Llangennith, Llanmadoc and Cheriton
Unitary authority : Swansea
NGR : SS4297592426
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Round barrow
Status : Scheduled Monument

Summary :
A sub-circular mound, c17.5m diameter, almost entirely covered in vegetation, except for central part (which may have been rebuilt). The outer edge is poorly defined, but a possible inner terrace is more easily discernible, 9.8m diameter. GGAT 72. (gm578)

Description :
A sub-circular mound, c17.5m diameter, almost entirely covered in vegetation, except for central part (which may have been rebuilt). The outer edge is poorly defined, but a possible inner terrace is more easily discernible 9.8m diameter, and there is a well-defined inner revetment or kerb to the W of centre. The stones of the inner revetment are carefully set and laid out in a regular arc, with signs of coursing on NE side, and surround a loose mound of stones 4.0m E-W x 3.9m and 0.7m high. The stones are angular and sub-angular sandstone, mainly 0.1-0.3m, with smaller stones predominating and the larger, angular blocks concentrated around the inner revetment. The cairn is situated on a summit which is half of small saddle, a triangulation point occupies the other end, on the W end of Llanmadoc Hill ridge. Superb views in all directions, except immediate E, where summit of ridge obscures. It is not certain whether inner revetment is ancient, as previous records make no mention of any such structure and the inner mound is described as modern and rebuilt. However, it does appear to be very well-constructed, suggesting it may be an original feature. c17.5m diameter; c0.2m high GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites survey 2001.

(1956) The cairn has been mutilated by numerous small diggings. It has an overall diameter of 17.0m , and is from 0.2m to 0.5m high. Modern rebuilding has formed a pile of stones 2.0m in diameter and 1.2m high near the centre of the cairn. The cairn is partly overgrown with grass and is in an area of rough moorland pasture. ( Source 03 )
(1967/1976 ) Llanmadoc Hill in W Gower, mostly good examples of stone cairns robbed almost to ground level. All these cairns (6-19W) are in positions with extensive views, especially to N and S. In 1867 Davies and O'Donovan counted 19 cairns on the hill, but only 14 were found by the Royal Commission. Some of the cairns appear to have been excavated in 1868. Five sherds, representing at least three separate urns, presumably came from one or more of the cairns.
6W occupies the W summit of the hill.
PRN 006W is a large robbed cairn consisting of a stony platform, largely grass-grown, 16.8m long from NW to SE by 15.2m wide and .4m high at the centre. A small modern cairn stands on the platform towards its W side. ( Source 01 )
(1971) A large robbed cairn consisting of a stony platform, largely grass-grown, 16.8m long from NW to SE by 15.2m wide and .4m high at the centre. A small modern cairn stands on the platform towards its W side. ( Source 06 )

Sources :
04/PM Desc Text/1939/Arch Camb p22
03/MM Record Card/OS/1957/SS 49 SW 23
06/MM Record Card/OS/1977/SS 49 SW 23
07/PM Mention/Ward A/1988/PPS/54 pp153-72
08/AP Photo/CPAT/Musson C/1985/88.22.2
02/PH Desc Text/Davies/1879/W Gower p72
05/PM Desc Text/1957/BBCS p232
01/PM List/RCAHM/1976/Glam Invent Vol 1 Pt 1 p74

Events :
E002970 : Llanmadoc Hill and Tankey Lake Moor. DBA (year : 2001)

Related records
GGAT Historic Environment Record (HER) 7-19w

Compiled date :

March 18, 2025, 10:40 pm - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
Data supplied by in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © GGAT HER Charitable Trust, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).