The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Historic Environment Record

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Bessie's Meadow

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 00005w
Trust : Glamorgan Gwent
Community : Llangennith, Llanmadoc and Cheriton
Unitary authority : Swansea
NGR : SS4187690095
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Round barrow
Status : SSSI

Summary :
On a shoulder just below the N summit of Rhossili Down. Largely heather-covered, numerous cairns some showing evidence of stone robbing. Ring cairn on minor summit good example of upland cairn, having both kerb and cist still intact.

Description :
On a shoulder just below the N summit of Rhossili Down. Largely heather-covered, a circular area of quartz conglomerate boulders, only a few of which are visible through the heather; largest 1.3m across. Edges seem to be picked out by edge of heather growth to N and W and by slight change in level at E side, but no real defining edge to S.
Cairns 124w, 127w, 128w,130w, 132w, 133w all visible from this cairn c8.4m diam (E-W); c0.4m high GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites survey 2001.

(1956) SS 4186 9009 . On one of the highest points of Rhossili Down, Above the 600 ft contour , there is a robbed cairn. It is 9.0m in diameter with a maximum height of 0.3m . The southern half has been denuded of stones save for the cairn rim 1.0m wide and 0.1m high. Four slabs of conglomerate , two embedded in an upright position, near the centre of the cairn may represent a cist. ( Source 02 )
(1962/1976) A cairn on a minor summit at the south end of Bessie's meadow.It is 6.7 m in diameter and 0.3 m high, consisting of a single layer of medium sized boulders.There are traces of a kerb, and three large blocks at the centre may be the remains of a cist. The cairn lies on the line of the south end wall of Bessie's Meadow ( SS 49 SW 50 ) , which it , presumably predates, and for which material was robbed from its structure ( Source 03 )
( 1982 ) This cairn has been mutilated and reduced to an amorphous heap of stones some 6.0 m east to west by 4.0 m north to south and up to 0.3 m high published survey ( 1: 2500 ) positionally correct and portrayal accepted ( Source 05 )
(1995 ) Round cairn standing on minor summit of Rhossili Down, on open moorland at about 180m above sea level. About 7m diameter, 0.3m high, of boulders and turf. There are traces of a stone kerb , and possibly of a central cist. The site is of national importance as a good example of an upland cairn, and is one of a major group of cairns. It is on the line of the remains of a dry stone wall seperating an area of upland known as Bessie's Meadow from Rhossili Down and the cairn was probably robbed to provide material for that wall. ( Source 09 )
(19 95) On Rhosili Down, at the S end of Bessie's Meadow at about 180 m above OD on a minor summit. It is 6.7 m in diameter and 0.3 m high, consisting of a single layer of medium sized boulders.There are traces of a kerb, and three large blocks at the centre may be the remains of a cist; the central one, apparently the N side of the cist is 0.9 m long E - W. by 0.2 m thick, protruding 0.2 m from the surface. At its W end is a slab aligned NNE - SSW, 1.2 m long by 0.3 m thick, protruding 0.3 m; and at the E is a block measuring 0.8 m by 0.1 m thick.The cairn lies on the line of the S end wall of Bessie's Meadow, which it presumably pre-dates, and for which material was robbed from its structure.( Source 09 & 01 )
(1996 , Visit by Burnham HB ) I was not totally convinced that I found this site, although I am fairly sure I was at the point marked. There were some remains which appeared to fit the AM 7 description (I did not have the RCAHMW one available ) but they were quite heavily heather - grown and not particularly impressive. The remains of the wall, if such it was , were also very much levelled. (Source 09 )

A greatly ruined cairn sited on the most northerly of the minor summits marking the Rhossili Down ridge and lying on the line of the enclosure known as Bessie's Meadow; undoubtedly the stone was robbed from the earlier cairn to build this enclosure. Three large blocks at the centre may be the remains of a cist. Although the structure has not been excavated, it is presumed to have a sepulchral function and to date to the Bronze Age (Muckle Partnership 2002).

Sources :
Dillon E & Latham J , 1987 , The South West Gower Properties - Part Three, Rhossili Down
The Muckle Partnership , 2002 , Archaeological Survey of Rhossili Down, Gower, West Glamorgan
01/PM List/RCAHM/1976/Glam Invent/Vol 1 Pt 1 pp73-4
06/MM Desc Text/Nat Trust/1987/Arch Survey/SW Gower III p8
05/MM Record Card/OS/1982/SS 49 SW 49
04/PM List/NCC/1979/Stat Sites Nat Parks/West Glam p19,43,map
03/MM Record Card/OS/1977/SS 49 SW 49
02/MM Record Card/OS/1957/SS 49 SW 49
07/PM Mention/1987/Arch Camb Vol CXXXV p105
09/PM List/Cadw/1996/SAM Lists

Events :
E003896 : Rhossili Down National Trust Properties (year : 1987)
E004885 : Archaeological Survey of National Trust Land at Rhossili Down, Gower (year : 2002)

Related records
National Trust No. 89072

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March 18, 2025, 11:26 pm - HTML file produced from GGAT HER Charitable Trust Ltd. Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 Tel. 01792 655208; Fax 01792 474469 website:  email: Registered Charity no. 505609
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