Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Standing Stone, Bodewryd, Rhosybol
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 3543 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Mechell Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH4062490219 Site Type (preferred type first) : BRONZE AGE STANDING STONE Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : Maen Hir, 700yds ESE of the Church of St. Mary, 13ft high, 6ft wide and 2ft thick. Some packing stones visible at base. (RCAHMW, 1937)
Standing stone (SH 40629021) (LB). <2>
The standing stone is as described. Published survey 25" correct. <3>
Condition unchanged. Published survey 25" correct. <4>
Standing stone 12ft high by 3ft by 2ft. <5>
A standing stone 4m high by 1.9m by 0.75m. There is some erosion around the base of the stone, which has exposed a number of packing stones. <6>
Stone called Praes Maen on account of a brass pot being placed near it. Standing upright in middle of a field 13ft high, 14ft circumference, 4 or 5ft underground. <7>
3.75m high, 1.6m wide, leans slightly to E. <9>
Tall slab of local stone standing on a slight rise in undulating grassland, visible from all but W for several miles but only on horizon locally - When viewed from a distance sits in natural hollow 500m across. Slab roughly rectangular and tapers (widthways) at top - leans a few degrees to ESE. (Smith, 2003)
“It is standing upright in the midst of a field and measures thirteen feet high and fourteen or fifteen in circumference, allowing four or five feet under ground.” (Skinner, 1802) (Sketch on p. 65, depicting two other standing stones nearby) (Fenton, 1802).