Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Pont Sarn-las Hut Group, Brynsiencyn
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 3138 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llanidan Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH47156788 Site Type (preferred type first) : ROMAN HUT CIRCLE SETTLEMENT Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : Besides the River Briant, near Pont Sarn Las, about 600yds NW of Maen Hir (PRN 3145). Two definite hut circles, 24ft internal diameter, are visible and there are traces of about six more huts of the group. All are partly ploughed away and only a few walling stones can be seen in situ.
These huts represent the last remains of a large settlement at Trefwri, which extend along the S bank of the Braint to Tre Ifan an overall distance of about 600yds. Two upright stones in a field S of Tre Ifan are all that remain of the E part of the site. A number of Roman coins were found in destroying the huts. (RCAHMW, 1937)
The site of a once flourishing Celtic town of Tref Wry, slightly noticed by Mr. Rowlands of which nothing remains beyond a group of hut circles and one or two upright stones. The town is said to have extended along the S bank of the river Braint, from an elevated spot a little higher up the stream than Tre Ifan, down to the public road and bridge at Sarn-las (SH 4705 6790). In a S direction it may have appeared very near to the entrenchment of Caer Leb (SH47286741). <2>
A pair of saddle querns were found built into a wall near the River Braint on Tre Ifan farm, before 1861. <3>
One hut circle and trace of two others are all that remain at SH47106790.
No change since 1967 - nothing is known about the saddle querns at Treifan farm. <4>
Huts are thought to represent remains of large settlement known as Trefwri. For full description of site in 1986. <5>
For reference to site and possible Roman finds see Rowlands. <6>
In the Arch. Camb. for 1852, page 209, there is a paper on The Remains at Tan ben y Cefn, Llanidan, Anglesey,"" in which a passage is quoted from Mona Antiqua (2nd edit., 1776, p. 89) as follows Near this last-mentioned place, on a piece of ground called Tref- wry, there are a great many circular stone foundations, on the side of the River Braint, and also on another spot of ground hard by there are two large quadrangles, lying almost contiguous on one side."" The writer says that about eight years before one of the quadrangles of Tan ben y Cefn was entirely removed, and the stones composing the outer wall and circular stone foundations (two in number) within it were carted away to fill up a quarry. The writer further says: ""As far as I can learn from persons who worked at this clearing, numbers of hollowed stones like mortars were found there, of which I have seen several indeed, one or two have come into my posseesion and also in a hedge running across one end of the enclosure was found a vessel (I am not sure whether of metal or earthen) containing Roman coins, many of which I understand are still in the possession of individuals in this county. Some of them I have procured, viz., a medal of the Empress Lucilla in good preservation, one of Antoninus Pius, and one of Carausius. Several querns, also of good workmanship, have been dug up at this spot. The larger quadrangle, which contained four of the circular foundations, has this year (1851-2) been removed in order to render the land available for agricultural purposes. The first thing worthy of observation which came to view was a kind of tank lined with flat stones, containing cockle-shells in an unopened state, its length 3 ft. by I½ ft. I have now numbers of the shells by me. Several pieces of pottery, apparently Roman, were dug up also an upper and nether mill- stone, lying within one of the circular foundations, and, as might be inferred, in the position in which they were last used. Great numbers of querns are constantly found in the neighbourhood, and large concave stones of a squared form, with convex stones which fit on them, apparently a ruder contrivance than the quern for bruising grain or other substances (Anwyl, 1908)
Description of the hut group at Pont Sarn-las, and results of excavation in 1851-2 (Williams, 1852). A reference to the hut group as a 'Celtic Town'. Description of the remains and the original extent of the settlement including a comment that Roman coins had been found at the site but no details given. (Williams, 1866).