Gwynedd Archaeological Trust
Regional Historic Environment Record

Hendai Medieval Farmstead, Newborough Warren

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 3083
Trust : Gwynedd
Community : Rhosyr
Unitary authority : Ynys Mon
NGR : SH40486371
Site Type (preferred type first) : MEDIEVAL DESERTED RURAL SETTLEMENT
Status : Scheduled Monument

Description :
Hendai medieval farmstead was excavated in 1973 (<1> <10>). It revealed a two roomed house, consisting of a living area and an animal storage area, constructed of unfashioned stones with clay packing set on a layer of red clay directly over sand dune. It has a Snowdon slate roof. The larger room contained a central open hearth consisting of seven large stones set in thick bedding clay. Surrounding this was a hard packed layer of clay and pebble flooring. There was also evidence of a sleeping platform near the hearth. The smaller room reached by a centrally placed doorway in the S wall contained a feeding walk of clay and pebbles down its centre surrounded by pure sand. Cow ribs and vertebrae were found in the sand flooring. Material coated with rust and metal oxide and large pieces of pitted clay, apparently subjected to tremendous heat were found within the house. This and local tradition suggests that this might have been a forge to shoe cattle of horses before being driven across the Menai Straits to Caernarvon. <2>

Description of foundations and lower walls of this possible sub-medieval farm house with attached byre. Monument was cleared of sand by Forestry Commission. <3>

Rectangular building aligned NE - SW 17 x 5 m in size separated into two cells, One 10 x 5 and the other 7 x 5. Two doorways are both on the south side. Wall stand to 1 m above present level. Two spoilheaps from the excavation survive.

Sources :
Lynch, F. , PRN 3083 , <4>
Evans, L. , 1973 , PRN 3083 , <10>
Brooks, I. & Price, J. , 1999 , Penllyn Archaeological Assessment , <5>
Earwood, C. , 2000 , FE WHA Update , <6>
, 1981 , Schedule of Ancient Monuments , <1>
Ordnance Survey , 1970 , SH46SW 12 , <2>

Events :
42682 : An 108 Fmw Site Visit (year : 1986)
41075 : Forest Enterprise Welsh Historic Assets Project: Penllyn Archaeological Assessment (year : 1999)
42683 : PRN 3083 Forest Enterprise Site Visit (year : 2000)

Related records
National Monuments Record Wales NPRN 15016

Compiled date : 18-11-1986

Images :

The above data are supplied by GAT in partnership with its Local Authorities (Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd County Councils, and Snowdonia National Park Authority), © GAT 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025 - as indicated)
This information is supplied for the purposes of personal interest only and may not be used as part of a commercial project.

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