Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Standing Stone, Penmynydd
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2737 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llanddyfnan Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH48427463 Site Type (preferred type first) : BRONZE AGE STANDING STONE Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : Recorded 6" OS. <1>
Maen Hir, 500 SE Hirdrefaig 8 1/4' high x 4' x 1 3/4', with packing stones at base. (RCAHMW, 1937)
As described by RCAHM. Published survey 25" correct. <3>
Somewhat blocky slab with a pronounced lean to W. Local igneous stone with quartz veins. Packing stones on W side. Stands on a rounded E-W ridge - ridge obscures view to EW somewhat. Visible for some distance on both sides of the ridge - most on N & NW where it is on skyline for some places. (Smith, 2003)
The monument comprises a large standing stone that probably dates to the Bronze Age (c.2300 - 800 BC). It is located within an enclosed field of improved pasture on an E-W aligned ridge. The standing stone measures 2.5m tall, 1.4m wide and 0.5m in depth. It is aligned N-S and has a weathered surface. The stone leans to the W. There are packing stones visible on the W side. The stone is made of a local igneous rock and is notable for its quartz veins. <6>
A standing stone of probable Bronze Age date. The stone is 2.5m tall, 1.4m wide and 0.5m deep. It is aligned north-south and has a weathered surface and rectangular profile with parallel sides that rise to a bluntly rounded point. (Evans, 2008)
Events : 40526 : Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Monument Survey: West Gwynedd/Anglesey (year : 2003) 40758 : Gwalchmai Booster to Bodffordd Link Water Main and Llangefni to Penmynydd Replacement (year : 2008) 40527 : Pan-wales Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites Survey: Trial Data Synthesis (year : 2005)