Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Moat, Tregarnedd, Llangefni
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2727 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llangefni Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH46867464 Site Type (preferred type first) : MEDIEVAL MOAT Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : Homestead moat traditionally ascribed to C14th. NW and SW sides in fair condition, remainder almost destroyed. Scheduled . (RCAHMW, 1937) <2> <3>
NW and SW sides of moat in good condition and W corner water filled. No trace of building as shown on OS 25" 'Tregarnedd, Remains of". Published survey (25") revised. <4>
Moat (N R). <5>
NW and SW sides are 65m and 100m long respectively and are up to 1.7m deep. Survey of 17.10.67 correct. <6>
Remains of homestead moat, originally about 100yds square but only NW and SW sides are at all complete. <7>
A homestead moat southeast of Llangefni on the edge of Malltraeth marsh, enclosing an area of about 100m. The northwest and southwest sides survive in a fair condition, the others significantly destroyed. In places the single bank inside the ditch survives to a height of about 2m above the inside area. Some of the site is covered by 19th century farm buildings. It is the only moated site known on Anglesey. (Evans, 2008) (Evans, Flook & Burnett, 2011)
At Tregarnedd is a moated enclosure of medieval date, the construction of which is traditionally associated with a descendant of Ednyfed Fychan, Gruffydd ap Rhys, in the 14th century, although a recent discussion suggests it may have been Gruffydd's father, Rhys, who was responsible for its construction (Carr 1992). medieval moated sites are rare in North Wales, and no other is known from Anglesey. (Richards and Davidson, 1998).
Description of the last surviving walls of Tregarnedd House, now demolished (Jones, 1846).