Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Standing Stone, Llanddona
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2649 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llanddona Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH56767967 Site Type (preferred type first) : BRONZE AGE STANDING STONE Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : 'Erect Stone' marked on OS 1841 map. <1>
A standing stone now 5ft 1inch high x 2ft x 18 ins at ground level, located some 3/4 mile SW by S of Llanddona Church, and about 200yds SW of Bwlch Farmhouse. Stands close to a rocky mound and was originally higher. <2>
As described by E.N. Baynes. Surveyed at 1:2500. <3>
A small but almost certainly genuine standing stone that deserves recognition, together with some area around it considering that the ground is unploughed and may well contain intact burial/s. Set on a fairly level bit of ground at the foot of a small hillock with impressive views to the west. The stone is quite slim tapering almost to a point from the base at the dimensions given. A very weathered, lichened stone, very unlikely to have been set up just as a rubbing stone and in a rather hidden corner well away from trackways. (Smith, 2003)
The monument comprises a standing stone that probably dates to the Bronze Age (c.2300 BC - 800 BC). It is located within enclosed, but otherwise unimproved, rough pasture on level ground at the foot of a small knoll on a gentle NW facing slope. The standing stone measures 1.63m tall, 0.8m wide and 0.5m in depth. The stone is aligned NW-SE and has a very weathered surface. The stone has a jagged profile and rises to a sharp point. <6>
Set on a fairly level bit of ground at the foot of a small hillock with impressive views to the west. The stone is quite slim tapering almost to a point from the base at the dimensions given. A very weathered, lichened stone, very unlikely to have been set up just as a rubbing stone and in a rather hidden corner well away from trackways. (Smith, G.)