Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Cross, Penmon Priory Church
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2543 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llangoed Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH6304880730 Site Type (preferred type first) : EARLY MEDIEVAL CROSS Status : National Trust
Description : A free-standing cross c.1000 in Deer Park (SH62628082), which is said to have formerly stood close to the Priory church. It is in good condition but quite weathered. <1>
The cross stands 450 yards WNW of St. Seriol's church and it is heavily ornamented with key patterns and interlace. Panels with 'St. Anthony' and two demons c.1000. (RCAHMW, 1937)
The cross was removed to the Priory Church in 1977 to prevent further deterioration through weathering. Excavations produced no evidence that this was the original site of the cross. <3> <4>
It is a good example of the N Britain style. Wheel cross with slender shafts and typical Gauts combination of ring chain, two cord plait, fret pattern. <5> <6>
For a description of the ornament see Nash Williams 1950. <9>
Placed in the guardianship of the Ministry of Works, Ancient Monuments Branch in 1940 (Arch Cam Vol. C, 1949).
Illustrations of Penmon Priory Cross (Jones, 1849).
An article that includes illustrated interpretation and discussion regarding the decoration on Penmon Cross. (Hughes 1922).