Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Castellor Hut Group, Bryngwran
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2520 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Bryngwran Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH33657623 Site Type (preferred type first) : ROMAN HUT CIRCLE SETTLEMENT Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : 'Castellor' first noted by Rowlands. <1>
'Ten or a dozen widely dispersed hut foundations' only are left. Some 16-20 huts dug up and removed (from area of [former] PRN 1549) c.1826 by farmer. Floors were flagged, outer walls were orthostats with earth and stone infill. A wall formally existed around the N edge of the site (only remains of this is a cornerstone just N of PRN 1539). 7 or 8 hut circles exist in the field to the east, as well as other enclosures and foundations (some of which have been removed). 'Burial ground' also existed here, as well as a paved road. A lot of artefacts were recovered and subsequently lost: querns, mortars, coins, leather money, gold tweezers, and copper cake. <2>
All that now remains are huts at N and S ends of the site - two well preserved huts at N end, one with orthostats, as well as traces of others. 4 huts and remains of other in S group [now scheduled], with remains of others between these and the river. Further but unrecorded excavations took place c.1900. Paved way only traceable at S end. <3>
Only five hut circles, and possible remains of a sixth can now be identified. Detailed descriptions. <4>
Scheduled area covers only a small part of the settlement. The whole is in poor condition, most of the huts are ploughed out. Two of best-preserved huts lie outside the scheduled area. The owner has some finds from the site. <5>
Settlement/Prehistoric/building foundations. <8>
Scheduled area increased to include former PRN 1549 which is deleted and included in PRN 2520, and PRN 1539 which remains. <9>