Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Cors y Bol Round Barrow, Anglesey
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2083 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llannerch-y-Medd Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH3751484351 Site Type (preferred type first) : BRONZE AGE BARROW Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : A large low circular bank, possibly some form of ring cairn; at SH375-844. Referred to as Cor y Bal, it was discovered and scheduled Dr. J. Lewis for the MOW. <1>
A vague circular feature about 20m in diameter is visible on RAF APs at SH37518435. <2>
There is a low bank up to 1.0m high forming a sub-rectangular enclosure, some 29.4 by 28m at SH37498436. It is situated on the edge of an area of marshy ground, in the bottom of a valley and is unlikely to be a ring cairn. <3>
This barrow was discovered in April 1956 by the farmer while reclaiming land on the edge of the bog. It consists of a circular earth bank 80ft in diameter and 2ft high by 8ft broad. There are some large stones set in the bank, one was removed during the ploughing, and three others are visible. They seem to be 2-3 yards apart. South-east of the centre there appears to be a slight raised area about 20ft in diameter. The clay soil of the bank showed up against the peat, when freshly ploughed. It is cut by a fence, the part to the east has been ploughed and that too the west lies on boggy ground. Flints have been found in the field to the east of the circle. The site is as described. The field has been removed but its previous position is visible from the extent of the plough damage. <4>
The site is now covered in long, rough grass, on the edge of improved grassland. There are slight traces of a ditch around the north and west sides. <5>
Roughly circular earthwork 24m diameter consisting of a slightly raised bank above marshland. Probably slightly disturbed by a bank on the south and by land improvement on the E giving these sides a 'squared off' appearance. Interior uneven but fairly level. Small collection of stones on the N side could represent the reported 'large stones in the bank SE of centre' that are now no longer visible. It is likely that they have been cleared away during ploughing. Not necessarily a barrow? Could be a small enclosed hut group. Siting: on the edge of the Cors-y-bol marshland, visible from rising land to the E and W. (Smith, 2003)
A circular earthwork defined by a low bank 0. 5 - 1.0m high and 29m in diameter, with slight evidence of an external ditch. It has been suggested that this site was a Bronze Age cairn, although surface remains are not consistent with this Parallel from elsewhere may suggest a henge monument of Neolithic date. (Davidson & Flook, 1994)