Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Hut Circle Settlement, Trearddur
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2003 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Trearddur Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH26257989 Site Type (preferred type first) : PREHISTORIC HUT CIRCLE SETTLEMENT Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : Three circular stone footings and two stretches of enclosure walls situated on a rocky knoll, visible as circular hollows with traces of walling of small stones beneath the turf. Site stands upon eastern coast of Holy Island, facing E towards Anglesey. On the opposite shore at Ynys Leurad (PRN 2000) is a further hut group. Possibly a ferry point before construction of Four Mile Bridge. <1>
Discovered in 1958, the site has not yet been excavated, but it is possible there may be another hut and more walling (no trace on RAF APs). <2>
All that remains of this hut group are a few scattered stones, surrounding two shallow depressions which may mark the sites of two huts. There are no surveyable remains. <3>
This group of prehistoric huts is just beyond the development area to the south east, but it is a scheduled monument and is included here because any development is likely to have an impact on its landscape and the outlook from the site. The huts were visible as circular hollows with traces of walling situated on a rocky knoll, but they are over grown with gorse and cannot presently be seen. The site faces east towards Anglesey, so avoidance of disrupting its outlook should not be difficult, as long as the development is low level. The site has not been excavated and the remains are now disturbed and difficult to interpret. (Kenney, 2000)
Events : 40782 : Hut Circle Settlement Survey (year : 1998) 40556 : Land at Ty Mawr, Holyhead: Archaeological Assessment (year : 2000) 44557 : Early Celtic Societies in North Wales (year : 2010)