Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
St. Michael's Church, Llanfihangel Ysgeifiog
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 1583 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llanfihangel Ysgeifiog Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH4788073420 Site Type (preferred type first) : POST MEDIEVAL CHURCH Status : Scheduled Monument , Listed Building II
Description : Remains of St. Michael's church. <1>
Eastern part only remains. Consists of a chancel built mid C15th and north chapel added in 1635. W wall erected mid 19th. A cross incised grave stone 7-11thC on chancel floor. (RCAHMW, 1937)
Roof less. <3>
Site largely overgrown, published survey 25'' correct. <4>
Condition unchanged. <5>
Arrangement for site visit re: dilapidated state of scheduled monument. Amended scheduling to include the whole of the churchyard. <6>
Scheduling of additional area. <7>
Only the east portion remains, consisting of 15thC chancel and a north chapel added in 1638 roofless. <8>
Report on watching brief carried out in 2010. Description of decorated and inscribed stones found in the church and churchyard, and the window glass. <14>
Cappel y Geirn i Uchelsaint (from Peniarth Ms 147, quoted by Baynes 1920, No. 57). Farm called Geirn at SH38258190. There is no evidence for a chapel at this site. The parish church of Llechcynfarwydd lies close by, and may be the structure referred to, or perhaps the north chapel of the church. (Davidson, 2004).
BERW CHAPEL Berw lay in the parish of Llanidan. It was some miles at least from the parish church. Nearer to it was the the chapel of Llanddeiniol Vâb, subservient to Llanidan. But Berw was not in that chapelry and in those days men were bound by law to attend service and to communicate within their parish. Berw Chapel at Llanfihangel Eskciviog (Arch Camb, 1908).
“The east window is in form a replica of that at Llaniestyn the width is the same. That the height of the main lights is less is immaterial to the design. The section of drip- mould is similar the only variation is to be found in the terminals, of which a representation is given in Fig. 1. The antlers of the stag, here portrayed, are badly weathered but are clearly defined possibly the animal is intended for a hart," the badge of Richard II. It will be noticed that the shape of the shield, shown as part of the other terminal, accords with that in vogue during the reigns of Edward III and Richard II.” (Holme, 1926) (Illustration of detail on p. 183).
Description and illustration of St Michael's, Llanfihangel Ysgeifiog (Jones, 1846).
the ancient bell found at St Michaels Church Llanfihangel Ysgeifiog Anglesey. The church has been recorded but there was no mention of this bell. At the time this article was written only theeastern portion and the northern trancept, known as Berw Chapel are still standing. Repairs to protect the tops of these walls have been done. Services were transferred to the new Church at Caerwen during the last centuary (1800's) as the new coach road to Holyhead has made this site too distant to be of value.The bell was also moved to the new church. The bell itself is of exceptional interest as it is one of the oldest hanging bells in the Diocese of Bangor. There is a Lombardic inscription around the bell that has no clear beginning or end. The letters are not evenly soaced and some appear to have been stamped either sideways or upside down. It is believed to have been intended to say Archangel Michael. Below the inscription is a rather crude depiction of the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus in her right arm and the Seplulchure in her left. The Virgin has a nimbus around her head and the infant a crown. There is also a referrence to the two inscibed stones possibly dating to the 15th century. One is placed in the eastern wall and the other around the head of the old doorway. the latter believed to have been built into the modern western gable end. Both inscriptions are well worn and difficult to read. The gable wall of the Berw Chapel has an inscription dated 1638 (Hughes, 13).
Fragmentary carved stone crosshead found in October 1991. Fragments fallen from the church wall, now in a ruinous condition. Fragments made from local sandstone. Broad faces of fragments carved with incised ornament. Date to 10th or 11th century. Crossheads now in Oriel Mon, Llangefni. (Edwards 1993).