Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Enclosed Settlement, Bodafon Mountain
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 1551 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Moelfre Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH471847 Site Type (preferred type first) : POST MEDIEVAL ENCLOSED SETTLEMENT Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : A group consisting of rectangular huts and enclosures with terraces and boundary walls probably forming a Dark Age residence. Planned. (RCAHMW, 1937)
Excavations in 1954 found only sherds C15th to C18th century glazed ware. <2>
Associated field system extends along hill-slope for 200yds to SW, and possibly also to NE, although ploughed out. <3>
Remains of five buildings and a length of walling are all that is visible - rest disappeared under forest. <4>
Listed by Beresford and Hurst as a "lowland farm of the platform type of 18th century date." <5>
SMC applied to thin trees in the area: DJT, RSK and LM site visit (7- 3 - 86) site not badly damaged by trees but very overgrown. SMC granted providing no machinery is taken on to site itself. No sign of adjacent field system. <6>
SMC granted with conditions: work to begin c.1 - 12 - 86, watching brief to be undertaken. <7>
Scheduled area revised 31/01/2000.
Sources :
The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales , 1937 , An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Anglesey
W. E. Griffiths, M. A., F.S.A. , 1955 , Excavations on Bodafon Mountain, 1954 , Transactions of the Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club : 1955 : 12-26
Walker, D. , 1985-1988 , Parish Church Index Cards
Griffiths, W. E. , 1955 , Transactions of the Anglesey Antiquarian Society , <2>
Ordnance Survey , 1967 , SH48SE 7 , <3>
Ordnance Survey , 1970 , SH48SE 7 , <4>
Thompson, D. , 1986 , PRN 1551 , <6>
Thompson, D. , 1986 , PRN 1551 , <7>
Beresford, M. & Hurst, J. G. , 1971 , Deserted Medieval Villages , <5>
Cadw , 2000 , Bodafon Mountain Early Medieval Homestead , <10>