Gwynedd Archaeological
Trust Regional Historic Environment Record
Aberlleiniog Fishweir II, Llangoed
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 14615 Trust : Gwynedd Community : Llangoed Unitary authority : Ynys Mon NGR : SH62517930 Site Type (preferred type first) : MEDIEVAL FISH WEIR Status : Scheduled Monument
Description : An unusual rectangular weir that does not appear to run from the shore, utilising instead a raised natural stony bank at least 150m from the shore as its inner end. This could be an original design feature or a result of coastal erosion. Weir survives as a 115m x 12m inner arm from the bank to low tide mark and an outer 130m long outer arm of comparable width (at 90 degrees to the above). This arm does become narrower (6m) at the end. A further spur runs out from the centre of the outer arm into the channel. The function and phasing of this feature are unclear but it could be seen as a later addition or an earlier rectangular weir. The apex of the main weir is somewhat elongated presumably marking the remains of a sluice. A few roughly parallel stones could represent the sluice channel. Good anaerobic silts could retain preserved wood. (Hopewell, 2000).