Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 7435 Trust : Dyfed Community : Amroth Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SN17500785 Site Type (preferred type first) : Roman Occupation Site / Iron Age Defended Enclosure Status : Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Summary : Trelissey is an almost circular earthwork enclosure with an internal diameter of c.71m. It occupies a gentle south-facing slope at 91m above sea level, and commands wide-ranging views to the southwest, south and southeast over Carmarthen Bay.
The site was partially excavated in 1950-51 by Thomas and Walker. They described the site as univallate, with an inner bank, a ditch and a counterscarp bank. The defences were best preserved on the south and southeast sides where the inner bank stood 1.8m above the ditch and was steep enough not to be ploughed over, and the outer bank stood 0.5m - 0.7m high above the external ground surface. The inner bank was described as approximately level with the sloping interior around the enclosure. A gap in the defences on the southwest side marked a simple entrance.
Since the excavations the site has been occasionally ploughed to improve the pasture. The defences are best preserved on the south side, with the inner bank standing up to 1.5m high externally. There is here, however, no trace of the ditch or the counterscarp bank. Indeed the only clear indication of the ditch is a slight linear hollow 0.1m deep on the northeast side of the enclosure. The inner bank stands 0.2m - 0.3m above the interior, but apart from on the south side it is poorly preserved, generally standing 0.3 - 0.5m externally. There is now no trace of a counterscarp bank and the entrance gap evident in 1950-51 has gone apart from a slight lowering of the earthworks at its location. A level platform on the northeast side of the internal area may mark the site of a building.
The excavations revealed a rectangular stone-built structure associated with a quantity of Roman building material and other finds. The enclosure is of Iron Age type; the excavations indicate continued use of the site into the Roman Period.
The site is under improved pasture.
K Murphy 3 November 2006
Description : The site was partially excavated in 1950-51 by Thomas and Walker. They described the site as univallate, with an inner bank, a ditch and a counterscarp bank. The defences were best preserved on the south and southeast sides where the inner bank stood 1.8m above the ditch and was steep enough not to be ploughed over, and the outer bank stood 0.5m - 0.7m high above the external ground surface. The inner bank was described as approximately level with the sloping interior around the enclosure. A gap in the defences on the southwest side marked a simple entrance.
Since the excavations the site has been occasionally ploughed to improve the pasture. The defences are best preserved on the south side, with the inner bank standing up to 1.5m high externally. There is here, however, no trace of the ditch or the counterscarp bank. Indeed the only clear indication of the ditch is a slight linear hollow 0.1m deep on the northeast side of the enclosure. The inner bank stands 0.2m - 0.3m above the interior, but apart from on the south side it is poorly preserved, generally standing 0.3 - 0.5m externally. There is now no trace of a counterscarp bank and the entrance gap evident in 1950-51 has gone apart from a slight lowering of the earthworks at its location. A level platform on the northeast side of the internal area may mark the site of a building.
The excavations revealed a rectangular stone-built structure associated with a quantity of Roman building material and other finds. The enclosure is of Iron Age type; the excavations indicate continued use of the site into the Roman Period.
The site is under improved pasture.
K Murphy 3 November 2006
Sources :
CADW , 2010 , Notification of scheduling
, 1959 , Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies ,
Branigan,K , 1972 , Archaeologia Cambrensis ,
Crossley,DW , 1963 , Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies ,
DAT , 1976 , CR ,
James,TA , 1978 , TAJ-AP-SN1707 ,
Meridian Airmaps , 1955 ,
Murphy,K , 2004 , Assessment of Prehistoric Defended Enclosures 2004-5, Report No 2004-100 ,
OS , 1810 ,
OS , 1908 , 6" ,
OS , 1972 ,
OS , 1974 ,
RAF , 1946 ,
Rigg,J , 1977 , Pembrokeshire Enclosure lists ,
Savory,HN , 1964 , The Land of Dyfed ,
St.Joseph,JK ,
St.Joseph,JK , 1961 , Antiquity ,
Thomas & Walker,WG & RF , 1958-60 , Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies ,
Wainwright,GJ , 1967 , Coygan Camp ,