Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Hanging Stone
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 3205 Trust : Dyfed Community : Burton Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SM97220822 Site Type (preferred type first) : Neolithic Chambered Tomb Status : Scheduled Monument
Summary : A Neolithic chambered tomb consisting of a very large, thick, triangular capstone, 1.1m thick x 3m long x 2.1m wide, supported by three upright stones. N. Cook 2004
Description : A very large, thick, triangular capstone, 1.1m thick x 3m long x 2.1m wide, supported by three upright stones. One of these uprights, the most northerly, is incorporated into the hedge boundary. Many other large stones are also present in the hedge bank, and Grimes noted two upright slabs to the northeast of the chamber which he suggested may be vestiges of a short passage. Although the monument appears to be in a stable condition, there is evidence that visitors are climbing onto the hedge bank and then onto the capstone, thus putting more stress on the supporting upright in the hedgebank which is already leaning in the direction of the chamber. N Cook PFRS 2004
A Neolithic chambered tomb now consisting of three upright stones supporting a large capstone. JJH Trysor 2004 based on NC 2004