Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Longhouse;carreg Samson;trevine
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2845 Trust : Dyfed Community : Mathry Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SM8484233516 Site Type (preferred type first) : Neolithic Chambered Tomb Status : Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Summary : A fantastic chambered tomb located on gentle sloping land at the head of a narrow creek leading to Abercastle inlet. The burial chamber now consists of 6 upright stones, three of which support a giant capstone, 4.75m long. The oval chamber varies in height from 2.8m down to 2m. When the site was excavated in 1968 fragments of Neolithic pottery were found. JJH 2004 based on NC 2004.
Description : A fine burial chamber consisting of 6 upright stones, three of which support a giant capstone, 4.75m long and varying in thickness from 1.5m to 0.75m, which slopes down to the west. The chamber itself has a maximum height of 2.8m, reducing to 2m as a result of the slope of the capstone. The chamber area as defined by the upright stones is oval and measures c.3.5m in length and 1.7m in width. Originally there was a seventh upright stone which no longer survives. Excavation by Lynch in 1968 revealed the presence of stone sockets which may have formed a passage to the chamber, 2m in length, with its entrance opening to the north-west. Very long views between 5 and 102 degrees, then medium views between 102 and 165 degrees. The rest of the view is restricted by local topography. There are views out to sea and the Preselis are also visible, although it was too misty at the time of our visit to define the peaks and get a bearing on them. N Cook PFRS 2004