Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Ffyst Samson; Trellys; St Nicholas
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2578 Trust : Dyfed Community : Pencaer Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SM9060334928 Site Type (preferred type first) : Neolithic Chambered Tomb Status : Scheduled Monument
Summary : The chamber comprises two upright stones,both with pointed tips,supporting a large rectangular capstone which slopes down from south to north. The capstone measures about 2.3m long, 1.35m wide and is circa 0.45m thick.The upright supporting stones are set some 2.0m apart, the more southerly of the two measuring circa 1.45m high and 1.2m wide with the other being circa 1.2m high and 1.2m wide at its base. The vigorous gorse growth around the monument makes finding the site and access to it difficult although the ground in the immediate vicinity of the chamber is clear and grass covered. The long axis of the capstone is aligned north-south. There is just a hint of the original burial mound or cairn to the east of the chamber, where there are stones protruding from the ground. There is some damage apparent at the top of the more northerly upright stone but this does not appear to have occurred recently, otherwise the monument appears stable. There is a drystone boundary wall circa 1.0m to the south. N Cook PFRS 2004