Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Pen-rhiw;parc Y Cromlech
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2499 Trust : Dyfed Community : Fishguard and Goodwick Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SM9422939082 Site Type (preferred type first) : Neolithic Chambered Tomb Status : Scheduled Monument
Summary : A burial chamber comprising a very large trapezoidal shaped capstone supported by three upright sidestones set in the centre of a pasture field sloping gently to the southeast.The tomb is circa 4.3m long, 2.7m wide and 1.25m high with its long axis aligned approximately northwest-southeast. The chamber is open at the south end. The sidestone on the western side is 3.0m long, 0.32m thick and varies in height from 1m at its south end to 0.6m at the north whilst the eastern sidestone is only 1.6m long, 0.25m thick and 1.05m high. The supporting stone at the northern end is 2.3m long, 0.3m thick by 0.58m high and is split at its eastern end. The north east side of the chamber is also open but there are a number of stones there which may represent remnants of previous support stones. The chamber floor is largely of earth but there are stones present especially at the open southern end where they appear to be being disturbed and gravitating downslope as a result of animal erosion. There is animal tread erosion all around the monument and the western sidestone is in danger of being undermined along its length by the resulting eroded hollow. This monument is located some 0.6km due west of the Garn Wen chambered tomb cemetery (PRN 2908) at Harbour Village, Goodwick. N Cook PFRS 2004