Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Colston;altar the
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 2412 Trust : Dyfed Community : Puncheston Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SM9828628130 Site Type (preferred type first) : Neolithic Chambered Tomb Status : Scheduled Monument
Summary : The remnants of a chambered tomb which lie in a hedgebank, on the north side of a hedge next to a road. A large capstone, 1.8m x 1.7m x 1m is supported on the north at the front of the chamber by two sidestones. The chamber area measures 1.5m x 1.5m with an apparent opening to the northeast. There are the remains of one side of a possible orthostatic forecourt facade as delimited by a set of six slabs which run to the northeast before turning back to the south creating one end of a horn/kerb. Any remnants of a cairn have largely been eradicated or disturbed by the hedge and road immediately adjacent to the site. Cattle are trampling on the site and churning up the earth floor between the kerb and chamber. This erosion is considered to be severe and a threat to the stability of the capstone if left unchecked. There is also evidence of animal burrowing beneath the capstone on the north and south sides. When the RCHAM recorded the site in 1925 they mentioned the presence of a second burial chamber to the south of the first one (PRNn 2373) which was destroyed c.1815, presumably by the building of the road which overruns the site. Laws and Owen in the Pembrokeshire Archaeological Survey 1897-1906 also mention that there may have been two other burial chambers. Today only the one chamber survives, but there are several large prostrate stones to the east of the site which may be the remains of other chamber orthostats. N Cook PFRS 2004
A burial chamber with a large capstone, 1.8m x 1.7m x 1.0m resting on two sidestones to the north and earthfast to the south. JH 1997 based on Cadw 1997