Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Cerrig Y Gof;cerrig Atgof
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 1433 Trust : Dyfed Community : Newport Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SN0365538909 Site Type (preferred type first) : Neolithic Chambered Tomb Status : Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Summary : An excellent chambered tomb comprising a slightly raised earthen mound, circa 16m diameter x 0.35m high, with five individual stone chambers arranged radially in its interior. The chambers are all quite compact and rectangular with at least two and up to six sidestones of varying sizes. The northeast chamber has no capstone whilst the others do, although they are all in dislodged positions. The chambers appear to be approximately the same size and can all be interpreted as having their 'open' ends facing the outer edge of the mound. At the time of the field visit all the chambers were slightly overgrown with brambles and bracken but this did not appear to be affecting them in any adverse way and their condition is stable. N Cook PFRS 2004