Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment Record

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Cerrig Lladron

Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 11129
Trust : Dyfed
Community : Cwm Gwaun
Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire
NGR : SN0665232282
Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Standing Stone Pair
Status : CL , Pembrokeshire Coast National Park , Site of Special Scientific Interest

Summary :
A classic stone pair, one large and one small, located 1m apart with a small earthfast stone just visible on the ground surface between them. The larger stone measures 1.71m high and 1m x 1.94m x 1.10m x 1.04m at its base with its long axis aligned northeast-southwest. The smaller stone measures 0.74m high x 1.15m wide x 0.52m thick at its base, tapering to 0.09m at its top, with its long axis aligned north-south. There are circular hollows around the base of each stone, with some small stones exposed although these could not be assessed because the hollows were retaining water at the time of the field visit. Barrow PRN 1561 is inter-visible some 210m away at 203 degrees with possible alignment RSR 2004.

Description :
Grouping of 4 monoliths, with a fifth c.14m distant - These may be no more than natural outcrops, as the genuine "Cerrig Lladron" are. However, they do not appear as natural as C.L. - their alignment on the Foel Eryr cairn may be deliberate - see sketch plan in DRF. CMS 1985

Sources :
CADW , 2005 , AM107
CADW , 2005 , Notification of scheduling
Cook, N , 2004 , Prehistoric Funerary & Ritual Sites Project Pembrokeshire 2003-2004 ( © DAT)
DAT , 1985 , SRF ,
DAT , 1985 , SMR ,
DAT , 1985 , DRF ,
DAT , 1989 , CR ,
DAT , Cook,N , 2004 ,

Events :
72389 : CERRIG LLADRON, FIELD OBSERVATION, 1985 (year : 1985)
87913 : CERRIG LLADRON, FIELD OBSERVATION, 2003 (year : 2003)
99423 : CERRIG LLADRON (year : 2005)

Related records

Compiled date : 01-01-1950

March 28, 2025, 3:36 pm - Html file produced from the Regional Historic Environment Record:
Dyfed Archaeological Trust, The Shire Hall, 8 Carmarthen Street, Llandeilo
Carmarthenshire. SA19 6AF
Tel: 01558 823131, Fax: 01558 823133
Email: info@dyfedarchaeology.org.uk Website:www.dyfedarchaeology.org.uk
Archaeological data, from the Historic Environment Record, supplied by The Dyfed Archaeological Trust in partnership with Local Authorities, Cadw and the partners of ENDEX © DAT, 2025 (and in part © Crown, 2025).