Dyfed Archaeological Trust Historic Environment
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Bedd Arthur
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 1021 Trust : Dyfed Community : Eglwyswrw Unitary authority : Pembrokeshire NGR : SN1305832515 Site Type (preferred type first) : Bronze Age Stone Circle Status : CL , Pembrokeshire Coast National Park , Site of Special Scientific Interest
Summary : CARN ARTHUR A sub-rectangular enclosure measuring 18m x 7m and a form of ritual monument unparalleled in Dyfed, although the closest monument type to which it conforms would be 'stone circle'. The site lies on a terrace c.120m SE of the summit of Carn Bica, and it would appear that this terrace was deliberately cut into the hillside to create a levelled platform on which the monument was subsequently built and used. The monument lies adjacent to an ancient trackway which crosses over the spine of the Preselis, and is also situated close to the parish boundary, which also encompasses chambered tomb PRN 929 further to the east. The site consists of a series of both upright and fallen stones delimiting a central area which is aligned ENE-WSW (58-238 degrees). N. Cook PRFS 2004