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Llangors crannog
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 630 Trust : Clwyd Powys Community : Llangors Unitary authority : Powys NGR : SO12892690 Site Type (preferred type first) : EARLY MEDIEVAL CRANNOG Status : scheduled monument
Summary : Crannog of small stones revetted with oak planks each c40cm wide and 5cm thick, these survive only around parts of the west and south sides.
Description : Crannog of small stones revetted with oak planks each c40cm wide and 5cm thick, these survive only around parts of the west and south sides.
Historical evidence associates the kings of Brycheiniog with the area of Llangorse in the 8th century: In AD916 the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records the destruction of Brecananmere (see PRN 87275). The historical and archaeological evidence suggests that the crannog is the 9th/10th century residence of the kings of Brycheiniog.
Sims-Williams puts the case that Llangorse may have been the base for the author of the Llywarch Hen poems (Sims-Williams, P 1993, 27-63).
Partial excavations in 1868 by Dumbleton (Dumbleton 1870) yielded finds of animals bones, pottery, leather, bronze and a rubbing stone (all of which are now lost) which were thought by Fox to be Iron Age or Romano-British but may well have been of later date.
Excavation and survey programme of crannog carried by between 1987 and 1993 by University of Wales, Cardiff and National Museum of Wales dated to crannog to the 9th century AD with dendro date of AD859. Whole feature apparently a dark age "hall" perhaps comparable to Irish royal crannog sites.The crannog was defended by a palisade which was partly excavated in 1991. The earliest finds are from the late 1st/early 2nd century AD. Prehistoric and Roman material incorporated in the make-up of the mound (199-200). The high quality of finds supports the identification of the site as one of the royal sites of Brycheiniog.
See PRN 35107 for excavation details 1987-1993.
Probably associated with wooden canoe find PAR 631.
Summary of work from discovery to 1993 given in Redknap, M and Lane, A 1994, 189-205. The construction of the crannog is now dendro dated to 890s.
(CR 1;Fig.13e) YNYS BWLC is a crannog lying about 40 m offshore on the N. side of LLANGORSE LAKE at a height of 155 m above O.D. It comprises a small overgrown island which, though often submerged in winter, at times protrudes 0.8-1 m above the water, forming an area 40 m E.-W. and 30 m N.-S. Now known to have been connected to the shore by a plank-driven causeway up to 3 m wide,3 the site was first described and excavated during the 1860s.4 The structure then revealed was stake-supported, oak piles having been driven through an amalgam of clay and stones. Beneath this is a layer of peat which overlies Mesolithic flints (MS 14). Recognition of its potential interest to Dark Age settlement is recent and has resulted in a long-term excavation and survey programme, ongoing at the time of writing. Re-planning of the submerged features reveals two concentric lines of timber piles (marked upon the plan (FIG. 13e) forming three independent runs of planks and revetting lumps of sandstone dumped upon a brushwood mattress under a lacework of timber, within a complex which included a thick layer of peat. Wattle and protruding softwood timber were also noted. Finds have so far included a log boat (the second from the lake, radiocarbon dated to the ninth century A.D.), part of an antler comb, fragments of carbonised textile tentatively dated between the 5th and 10th centuries A.D., carbonised grain and animal bone.6 Initial radiocarbon dates and dendrochronology suggest construction during the ninth century. Sapwood dates have been precisely given as 890/893 A.D. It is possible that the structure was prefabricated. An historical explanation has been advanced for the site as the seat of the Kings of Brycheiniog7 and attention has also been drawn to the nearby presence of RCAHMW, 1995 - Draft Inventory description
Royal residence of the rulers of the kingdom of Brycheiniog, constructed between AD889 and 893, and destroyed by a Mercian (Saxon) army in AD916 (Redknap, 2002, pp28).
Application for grant aid approved by Cadw in 2003, prior to re-tendering of conservation engineering works. (Cadw 2003)
March 30, 2025, 6:42 pm
- File produced for Archwilio from CPAT's Regional HER.
Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, The Offices, Coed y Dinas, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 8RP
(01938) 553670, email, website