CPAT Regional Historic Environment Record The following information is from the
on-line database 'Archwilio'. Use the icons in the sources section below to download further digital information.
Llwynwron, Cropmark, ring ditch
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 3969 Trust : Clwyd Powys Community : Welshpool Unitary authority : Powys NGR : SJ2143704434 Site Type (preferred type first) : BRONZE AGE RING DITCH
Description : Prob ring ditch or round barrow ditch. Some 20m dia. No surface indications (OS, 1981).
Ring ditch c24m in diameter, ditch c2m wide (Thomas D, 1998b)
Ring ditch alongside main road about 250m N of Moat Farm. The site shows very well on CUAP BVQ 019, taken in 1975, and has been plotted from this source giving a diameter of 19m and a ditch width of about 2m. The location was also revised from SJ 2140 0450. (RH 08/01/2010)
Plough-levelled circular round barrow, measuring c.31m diameter, with possible central grave pit visible. Recorded as a cropmark during RCAHMW aerial reconnaissance on 25th July 2006 (image refs: AP_2006_3577-80). T. Driver, RCAHMW, 22nd Jan 2009. (Coflein)
March 30, 2025, 7:06 pm
- File produced for Archwilio from CPAT's Regional HER.
Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, The Offices, Coed y Dinas, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 8RP
(01938) 553670, email, website