CPAT Regional Historic Environment Record The following information is from the
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Flint Castle
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 100325 Trust : Clwyd Powys Community : Flint Unitary authority : Flintshire NGR : SJ2470873344 Site Type (preferred type first) : MEDIEVAL MASONRY CASTLE Status : state care , listed building I, scheduled monument
Summary : Edwardian stone castle of 1277 possibly on site of 1157 castle.
Description : Edwardian stone castle of 1277 possibly on site of 1157 castle. Four towers surrounding courtyard, one of which was set further out and separated from the castle by a moat which was probably filled at high tide. The outer ward was protected by another moat. In 1785-1976 a red sandstone building occupying most of the outer bailey was used as a Gaol.
The inner ward measures 160 x 145 feet and is c. 0.5 acre in area.
South, west and north towers in ruins in record of 1618-24 and thieves tower recorded as not able to keep out the rain (Williams, J G 1988, 5).
Castle is built on a low promontory of sandstone rock among the marshes bordering the shores of the Dee.
Some recent excavation but not published.
Evaluation trenches to west of outer ward. Site levelled in 20th century. Trace of 19th century chemical works and waste located. To the south the outer wall was located below the car park. Limits of outer ward defined (Hannaford, H R 1988, 71).
Excavations were carried out at Flint Castle from 1971 to assist in the conservation of structures and to enhance their display. The inner moat was sectioned against the inner curtain wall and the South-West tower, showing that it originally had a nearly vertical outer face 20ft high. Excavation within the outer ward revealed road surfaces, boundary gullies and a large post hole, but no remains of major buildings. the deep moat between the outer ward and the town was found to be crossed by a submerged rock causeway, at the castle end of which were the remains of a masonry gatehouse which had contained a pivoting bridge. This gatehouse sealed construction-period timbers and part of a turf revetment. Stone supports for a multi-span timber bridge, contemporary with the gatehouse, survived on the rock causeway. A stone-revetted causeway replaced the bridge in the early C17th. The north-east end of the outer curtain wall was examined: it continues towards the Great Tower as a narrower wall revetting the make-up of the outer ward. Part of a construction-period mason's lodge was seen here. A well-preserved ashlar wall revetting the deep channel of the outer moat was revealed nearby. In the town of Flint, part of the Edwardian defences was sectioned (Miles, T J, 1996, 67-151).
April 1, 2025, 6:14 am
- File produced for Archwilio from CPAT's Regional HER.
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