CPAT Regional Historic Environment Record The following information is from the
on-line database 'Archwilio'. Use the icons in the sources section below to download further digital information.
Penbedw Hall Park Tumulus
Primary Reference Number (PRN) : 100223 Trust : Clwyd Powys Community : Nannerch Unitary authority : Flintshire NGR : SJ1700368196 Site Type (preferred type first) : BRONZE AGE ROUND BARROW Status : scheduled monument
Summary : A grassed over mound in reasonable condition slightly elongated measuring 25m east/west and 15m north/south and survives to a height of c.2m. The northern side of the mound may have been reduced by ploughing, as a slight terrace flows a curve around the northern side, which would give a larger north/south width of c.21m. Two small depressions, one near the summit and the other on the north side may be a result of animal erosion or the 1860 excavation.
Description : Tumulus standing on gently rising ground. Opened in 1860 when "Roman remains" and "calcined pottery" were found (RCAHM 1912, 66-7).
Hall Park, measuring 160 paces circumference and 5-8ft high. Excavations in 1860 revealed some very large stones picked up in the centre, with traces of charcoal and ashes, and a good many pieces of calcined bone, as well as some pottery. Zig-zag pattern on pottery. Illustrated frag of a coarse cinerary urn with inside and outside of lip, as well as body decorated with triangular dabs (Davies 1949, 264-6).
Grass covered mound in good condition. Two slight indentation on N side may relate to earlier excavations. 24.5m N-S, 20.5m E-W, and c. 2m high (Cadw 1987).
The mound, although slightly damaged by excavation, is still in good condition.. Slightly circular, 8m diam, 2.5m high approx. (CCC, 1988)
Elongated mound, 25m E-W x 15m N-S (possible that the N side has been reduced by ploughing, as a slight terrace follows a curve around this side, which would give a larger N-S width of c.21m), surviving height c. 2m. Two small depressions, one near the summit, other on the N side. Mound may have been spread E-W by ploughing, and reduced N-S (CPAT 1999).
The mound is located in the centre of a regularly cultivated field and the current plough line is partly damaging the mound. (CPAT Tir Gofal assessment, 2005)
Sources :
Baxter, C L , 2005 , Tir Gofal Management Plan: Heritage Management Information (HE1). Penbedw - NE/06/5088
Bull, D E , 2005 , Tir Gofal Management Plan: Heritage Management Information (HE2). Penbedw - NE/06/5088
Cadw , 1987 , Cadw Field Monument Wardens Report - Fl134(FLT)
Cadw , 1997 , Scheduling map - Fl134(FLT)
Clwyd Archaeology Service , 1979 , Site visit record - PRN100223
Clwyd Archaeology Service , 1988 , Site visit record - PRN100223
Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust , 1999 , Site visit record - PRN100223
Davies, E., 1949 , The Prehistoric and Roman Remains of Flintshire
Ordnance Survey , 1954 , OS record card SJ 16 NE 4
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales , 1912 , Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Wales and Monmouth II - County of Flintshire
March 29, 2025, 9:35 pm
- File produced for Archwilio from CPAT's Regional HER.
Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, The Offices, Coed y Dinas, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 8RP
(01938) 553670, email, website